
Approuvé par le minister
21 janvier 2019
Date de remise des commentaires
8 juin 2019

Les consultations sur l’ébauche des priorités et du budget 2019-2020 de l’ARSF ont inclus des rencontres avec les sept groupes consultatifs de l’industrie de l’ARSF, une table ronde avec les consommateurs et une période de consultation publique du 21 janvier au 14 février 2019.

Les apprentissages tirés de la consultation sur les priorités et le budget ont été intégrés au plan d’affaire 2019-2022 de l’ARSF, qui a été soumis au ministère des Finances le 28 février 2019. Conformément à la Directive concernant les organismes et les nominations, le plan d’affaires sera publié sur le site Web de l’ARSF une fois approuvé.


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Secteur Commentaire Date Trier par ordre croissant
Assurance automobile
[FY2019-20BP] Tammy Kirkwood - FAIR Association of Victims for Accident Insurance

Assurance vie et maladie
[FY2019-20BP] Erica Hiemstra - CLHIA

Assurance vie et maladie
[FY2019-20BP] Brenda Molnar - CALIBA

Fournisseurs de services de santé
[FY2019-20BP] Laurie Davis - Ontario Rehab Alliance

Assurance automobile
[FY2019-20BP] Rhona DesRohes - FAIR
Please see attached FAIR submission to the FSRA Priorities and Budget.
[FY2019-20BP] Ernie Dellostritto
The reason for this third submission from us is because the submissions that you have received are all from industry stakeholders except maybe for a very few. The regular consumers or consumer advocacy groups do not appear to be participating in this consultation process. How can you get an accurate picture of the Consumers perspective if you don’t publicize this consultation to the general public?

If FSRA is really serious about treating consumers fairly, then you must create an Office of the Consumer with enforcement capabilities and a Consumer Advisory Panel. We believe this would level the playing field. This has also been suggested in the past by organizations such as Fair Canada.

Please post the attached excerpt from the FSRA Board of Directors Progress Report of April 2018. We hope that you still have plans to prioritize consumers as you suggested in your Progress Report.
[FY2019-20BP] Brian Zeiler-Kligman - Sussex Strategy Group
Attached are comments from AssessMed, a leading independent medical assessment company, regarding structure and priorities for auto insurance
[FY2019-20BP] Tim Hyde - None
Thank you for affording the public an opportunity to Comment on your Draft. Please see attached letter.
[FY2019-20BP] Jokelee Vanderkop - So You Think You're Covered! The Insurance Industry Rip-Off
Far too many MVA victims have to fight their insurer for what their policy says they're entitled to and can't access the treatment they need to optimize healing. Focussing on profit, insurers use their IMEs and for hire medical vendors to wrongfully deny legitimate claimants and then cry fraud. Individual claimants are held hostage to fraud claims when most fraud is perpetrated by organized crime groups.
Fournisseurs de services de santé
[FY2019-20BP] Ralph Palumbo - The Hillcrest Consulting Group Inc.
I am pleased to forward the pre-budget submission from HVE Healthcare Assessments ("HVE"). HVE will be involved in the consultations on the Ontario auto product and we are pleased to provide with our ideas and recommendations as to how Independent Medical Examinations can be improved for the benefit of injured claimants .
[FY2019-20BP] Susan Allemang - Independent Financial Brokers of Canada

Assurance vie et maladie
[FY2019-20BP] Stephen Frank - Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association

Credit unions et caisses populaires
[FY2019-20BP] Bernard Brun - Mouvement Desjardins
Le Mouvement Desjardins soumet à votre attention ses commentaires dans le cadre de cette consultation.
Pour toute information additionnelle, n'hésitez pas à communiquer avec le soussigné.
Recevez mes salutations distinguées.
Bernard Brun
Relations gouvernementales - Canada
613 789-2468
Assurance vie et maladie
[FY2019-20BP] Joanne Ebanks - Insurance Brokers Association of Ontario
Grammatical error in previous submission. Please refer to attached submission.
Assurance automobile
[FY2019-20BP] David Simpson - Facility Associaiton

Assurance vie et maladie
[FY2019-20BP] Colin Simpson - Insurance Brokers Association of Ontario

[FY2019-20BP] Intact Insurance - Intact

Régime de retraite
[FY2019-20BP] Ron Mock - Ontario Teacher's Pension Plan
Thank you for the opportunity to share our views. Please find the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan's comments appended.
Assurance vie et maladie
[FY2019-20BP] Karin Ots - Aviva Canada
Aviva’s response to FSRA’s proposed 2019-2020 Priorities and Budget document is attached.
[FY2019-20BP] Susan Copland - IIAC
Attached is our submission.
Credit unions et caisses populaires
[FY2019-20BP] Rob Wellstood - Kawartha Credit Union
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on FSRA's proposed 2019 Priorities and Budget. Please see our comments in the attached letter.
Rob Wellstood, CEO
Kawartha Credit Union
Régime de retraite
[FY2019-20BP] David Miller - Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan
Please see the attached letter.
Assurance automobile
[FY2019-20BP] Ben Kosic - Canadian National Insurance Crime Services(CANATICS)
Canadian National Insurance Crime Services (CANATICS) is pleased with the opportunity to comment on FSRA's 2019-20 Priorities and Budget. CANATICS, established on the recommendation of the Ontario government's Anti-Fraud Task Force, is a private sector, not-for-profit corporation that was incorporated in February 2013 as a property and casualty insurance industry solution to help combat auto insurance fraud. CANATICS’ mission is to support the fight against insurance crime by providing individual insurers, and the industry, with superior intelligence derived from analytics performed on industry pooled data with an unwavering focus on data quality, privacy and security.
Assurance automobile
[FY2019-20BP] Ralph Palumbo - The Hillcrest Consulting Group Inc.
I am forwarding the pre-budget submission of the Lifemark Health Group to Minister Fedeli. We anticipate that FSRA will be reviewing issues involving providers in the auto insurance sector. We are therefor taking this opportunity to forward that submission to you now. We would be pleased to meet with you at any time to discuss the recommendations contained in the submission. Regards, Ralph
Assurance vie et maladie
[FY2019-20BP] Catherine Allman - Canadian Association of Direct Relationship Insurers
CADRI is pleased to submit comments on FSRA's "Draft Priorities and Budget for 2019-2020" as it pertains to direct-relationship insurers and their customers.
Régime de retraite
[FY2019-20BP] Gareth Gibbins - OMERS

[FY2019-20BP] Ernie Dellostritto
The Office of the Consumer should be a top priority. It has to be established as a separate entity and NOT just a part of the Policy function. Otherwise this is just a name change from FSCO to FSRA. How is this any different since “consumer protection” was already FSCO’s mandate anyway? Attached are 3 letters from organizations that provide options about improving consumer protection. Please post them. This consultation process has not been publicized enough to the general public. Furthermore, FSRA should not let CLHIA and CAFII take a leadership role because of conflict of interest and divided loyalties - their primary focus is on making money for their shareholders! The current system needs to be changed. An example Is how the Condominium Act was changed by creating the Condominium Authority of Ontario was set up - it seems to be working just fine!
Fournisseurs de services de santé
[FY2019-20BP] Manny Dhaliwal
Greater funding is needed to treat those injured in motor vehicle accidents. Too many injured people are being denied therapy bc their injuries fall within the "Minor Injury Guideline". The coverage is minimal and the Insurance company has hired " Doctors" to refute the patients injuries. There is no recourse for patients.
[FY2019-20BP] Lawrence D'Souza - FSCO
Comments in the attached document
Assurance vie et maladie
[FY2019-20BP] Ernie Dellostritto
We understand that Incidental Sales of Insurance (ISI) which includes Creditors Group Insurance (CGI) was not mentioned in your report. The problem is that insurers are providing inadequate disclosure to obtain the consent of consumers. Our Submission is attached and you have our permission to post it.

Aucune question n'a encore été posée sur cette consultation.