Tous les deux ans, les administrateurs de régimes doivent fournir des déclarations à tous les anciens participants et participants retraités d’un régime. Si un administrateur ne dispose pas de coordonnées à jour pour certains anciens participants ou participants retraités, il peut demander au Directeur général de l’Autorité ontarienne de réglementation des services financiers (Directeur général) de renoncer à l’exigence de présentation d’une déclaration bisannuelle conformément à la Politique A300-901 de la ARSF.
Si, selon vous, il est possible que vous soyez un participant manquant de l’un des régimes de retraite indiqués sur la liste, contactez l’administrateur du régime.
Le Directeur général a accordé une renonciation aux régimes de retraite suivants :

Nom Type Numéro d'enregistrement
A. Berger Precision Ltd. Pension Plan for Employees of A. Berger Precision Ltd. 1158088
ACCO Brands Canada LP Retirement Plan for Salaried Employees 929398
Acklands - Grainger Inc. The Acklands - Grainger Inc. Pension Plan 1031681
Adient Seating Canada LP Retirement Income Plan for Employees 557108
Adient Seating Canada LP Retirement Plan for Tillsonburg Hourly Employees 377085
Adient Seating Canada LP Retirement Plan for Whitby Hourly Associates 1102078
ADP Canada Co. The ADP Canada Pension Plan 1043488
Amada Canada ltée/Ltd. Régime complémentaire de retraite pour les employés de Amada Canada ltée/Ltd. 582205
Angus Consulting Management Limited Pension Plan of the Employer 1217462
Aon Canada Inc.  Pension Plan for Employees 215772
Aon Canada Inc.  Pension Plan for Officer Employees 491597
ArcelorMittal Long Products Canada G.P. Bargaining Unit Pension Plan (Hamilton East Location) for Members of the Steel Workers of America 697300
Arriscraft Canada Inc.

Pension Plan for the Employees of Arriscraft Canada Inc.

Arthur Anderson LLP Pension Plan for Employees 417709
Ascensia Diabetes Care Canada Inc. Pension Plan for Employees 1289990
AstraZeneca Canada Inc. Retirement Plan for Employees of AstraZeneca Canada Inc. 587311
Aviscar Inc. and Associated Companies Pension Plan for Employees 217828
Avnet International (Canada) Ltd.  Employees’ Pension Plan 414326
Barnes Group Canada Corp. Associated Spring Operations Hourly-Rated Employees Retirement Plan 221093
Barnes Group Canada Corp. Associated Spring Operations Salaried Employees Retirement Plan 221085
BentallGreenOak (Canada) Limited Partnership BentallGreenOak (Canada) Retirement Plan 379784
BIC Inc. Pension Plan for Employees 570382
British High Commission in Canada Pension Plan for Canadian Employees 338061
BMW Canada Inc. Régime de retraite des employés de BMW Canada Inc. 377416
Canada Bread Company, Limited Retirement Plan for Salaried Employees of Subsidiary and Affiliated Companies 229864
Canada Bread Company, Limited  Pension Plan E  952622
Canada Life Assurance Company 2015 Canada Life Canadian Employees’ Pension Plan 1274984
Canada Life Assurance Company Canadian Employees’ Pension Plan 354563
Canadian Construction Workers Union Pension Plan 1185818
Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association Pension Plan for Employees 233064
Canadian Red Cross Society Pension Plan 232785
Canarm Ltd.  Registered Pension Plan for Employees of Canarm Ltd. 466748
Cascades Corporation ULC Pension Plan for the Unionized Employees of Cascades Containerboard Packaging, a division of Cascades Canada ULC 1047620
Cascades Corporation ULC Pension Plan for the Non-Unionized Employees of Cascades Containerboard Packaging, a Division of Cascades Canada ULC 1047638
Carpenters Local 18  Pension Plan 368068
Central Automotive Services Limited Régime de retraite collectif de Vision Truck 1290501
Central Stampings Limited  Pension Plan 365437
CGC Inc.  Retirement Plan 332064
Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada Pension Plan 227694
Christie Digital Systems Canada Inc. & Participating Affiliates Registered Pension Plan for Christie Digital & Participating Affiliates 1056373
Chubb Insurance Company of Canada Pension Plan for Employees 237644
CIBC Mellon Global Securities Services Company CIBC Mellon Global Securities Services Company Retirement Savings Plan 1038710
Ciena Canada, Inc. Régime de retraite des employés de Ciena Canada, Inc. 1226893
Colonial Tool Group Inc.  C.A.W. Retirement Income Plan 355180
Columbus McKinnon Limited Pension Plan for Hourly Employees  476333
Columbus McKinnon Limited Pension Plan for Salaried Employees 237180
Community Living Toronto Pension Plan for Employees 279513
Compass Group Canada Ltd. Pension Plan for the Employees 567354
Complex Services Inc. Pension Plan for Employees of Complex Services Inc. and Participating Affiliates 1039387
Computer Sciences Canada Inc. Computer Sciences Canada Inc. Pension Plan - Mynd Division 584128
ConAgra DMAT ULC Aylmer Tomato Company Retirement Plan K 1165844
Concentrix Technologies Services (Canada) Limited Pension Plan for Employees of Concentrix Technologies Services (Canada) Limited 1074905
Conestoga Cold Storage Registered Pension Plan for Employees of Conestoga Cold Storage 444638
Continental Casualty Canada CAN Canada Employee Pension Plan 1043579
Cooper-Standard Automotive Canada Limited Pension Plan for Salaried Employees 250548
Cooper-Standard Automotive Canada Limited Pension Plan - Georgetown Unifor Local  876 591255
Corporation of the City of Hamilton Hamilton Municipal Retirement Fund 275123
Corporation Visa Canada Pension Plan for Employees of Visa Canada Corporation 690438
Covia Canada Ltd. Pension Plan for Unionized Hourly Employees, Nephton Operations 211151
Covia Canada Ltd. Pension Plan for Unionized Hourly Employees, Blue Mountain Operations 300798
Covia Canada Ltd. Pension Plan For Salaried Employees 986232
Cox Construction Limited Pension Plan for the Employees 238972
CROWN Metal Packaging Inc. Canada LP Pension Plan for Employees 338491
Cuddy Farms Limited 2008 Pension Plan for Employees 244442
Cummins Canada Limited Pension Plan for Employees 542688
Darling International Canada Inc. Pension Plan for Eligible Unionized Employees 1262203
Dart Canada Inc. Pension Plan for Hourly-Paid Employees 420265
Dayco Canada Corp. Pension Plan for Former IVHS Employees 989632
Dayco Canada Corp. Pension Plan for Hourly Employees  431973
Dayco Canada Corp. Pension Plan for Salaried Employees 961623
Dayco Canada Corp.  Pension Plan for Former Imperial Eastman Employees 1034990
De Lage Landen Financial Services Canada Inc. Pension Plan for the Employees of De Lage Landen Financial Services Canada Inc. 1086404
Deloitte LLP Pension Plan 317743
Diageo Canada Inc. Pension Plan for Salaried Employees 228544
Diageo Canada Inc. Pension Plan for Hourly-Rated (CAW Local 2098) Employees 1083922
Direct Energy Marketing Limited Pension Plan for Employees 1086628
Domino Printing Solutions Inc. Pension Plan for Employees 1079953
Ecolab Co. Pension Plan for Employees 506279
Economical Mutual Insurance Company Pension Plan for Employees 211425
ELCAN Optical Technologies, a Division of Raytheon Canada Limited Pension Plan for The Employees 272047
Eli Lilly Canada Inc. Retirement Plan 273755
Emco Corporation Pension Plan for Employees of Nova Scotia Corporation #3078632 and its Affiliates 227033
Estée Lauder Cosmetics Ltd.  Employee Retirement Plan 566844
Everest Reinsurance Company  Canadian Associates' Pension Plan 685941
First Quantum Minerals Ltd. Retirement Plan of First Quantum Minerals Ltd. 952663
Flextile Ltd. Pension Plan for Flextile Ltd. 416826
Flint Group Canada Limited Bargaining Employees Pension Plan 303149
Foster Wheeler Canada Ltd. Non-Contributory Pension Plan for Employees Represented by United Steelworkers of America Locals 6519 and 6595 547042
Fujifilm Canada Inc. FCNA Employees’ Pension Plan 295469
General Dynamics Lands Systems – Canada Corporation The Pension Plan for IUDC Employees of the Mission Systems Division of General Dynamics Land Systems - Canada Corporation 234260
General Dynamics Lands Systems – Canada Corporation The Pension Plan for Certain Sales, Administrative, Technical and Clerical Employees of the Mission Systems Division of General Dynamics Land Systems - Canada Corporation 564138
General Mills Canada Corporation Pension Plan for Non-Union Employees 291500
General Mills Canada Corporation Retirement Plan for Employees 342402
Genuine Parts Company Defined Contribution (DC) Plan 1308865
Georgia-Pacific Canada LP Georgia-Pacific Canada LP Pension Plan for Gypsum Employees in Thorold, Ontario 221770
Georgia-Pacific Canada LP Georgia-Pacific Canada LP Pension Plan for Gypsum Union Employees 1033372
Georgia-Pacific Canada LP The Georgia-Pacific Canada LP Consolidated Pension Plan 222257
Golden Valley Farms Inc.  Pension Plan 975698
Graham Packaging Canada Company Pension Plan 523696
Grand River Hospital Corporation Pension Plan for Employees of Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital 266841
Graphic Arts Media Canadian Multi Employer Pension Plan 555037
Graphic Packaging International Canada, ULC Mississauga Members of CEPU and its Local 36-X Employed by Graphic Packaging International Canada, ULC 424457
Great Lakes Power Services Inc. Retirement Plan 338053
Great Pacific Enterprises Limited Partnership Montebello Packaging Pension Plan for Hourly Employees 1060748
Great Pacific Enterprises Limited Partnership Genpak Pension Plan for Hourly Employees (Brampton) 423780
Green Shield Canada Pension Plan 333039
Green Shield Canada Pension Plan for Unionized Employees 1055987
Griffin Centre Mental Health Services Registered Pension Plan for Employees 695890
Ground Effects Ltd. Pension Plan for The Employees 1029248
Guspro Inc. Registered Pension Plan for Employees of Guspro Inc. 417246
H.H. Angus & Associates Limited Pension Plan 335893
Halliburton Group Canada Inc. Retirement Income Plan 342428
Hamilton Street Railway Company Pension Plan (1994) 253344
Harlequin Enterprises ULC Harlequin and HarperCollins Employees Pension Plan 597740
Harris Steel Pension Plan for Hourly-Rated Employees of Laurel Steel 416164
Henkel Canada Corporation Former Nacan Salaried and Associated and its Subsidiary Employees Pension Plan 286294
Henniges Automotive Schlegel Canada Inc. Pension Plan for Bargaining Unit Employees 299156
Hershey Canada Inc. Pension Plan for Employees 260281
Highland Packers Limited Retirement Plan 409623
Hiram Walker & Sons Limited Retirement Plan  for Employees in Canada 331389
Hoffmann-La Roche Limited Employer and Affiliated, Associated and Subsidiary Companies Pension Plan 259242
Hoffmann-La Roche Limited The Defined Contribution Pension Plan for Employees of Hoffmann-La Roche Limited/Hoffmann-La Roche Limitee and Affiliated, Associated and Subsidiary Companies 1188663
Holt, Renfrew & Co., Limited Retirement Income Plan for Employees 545822
Honeywell Limited Canadian Pension Plan 587147
Hope Aero Propeller & Components Inc. Pension Plan for The Employees 1028554
HT Industrial Ltd. Pension Plan 938084
IBM Canada Limited Retirement Plan 342030
Ingram Micro Inc. Pension Plan for Employees 1045624
INVISTA (Canada) Company Pension Plan 242727
ITW Canada Retirement Plan for Employees in Canada 304907
IUOE Local 793 Pension Plan for Operating Engineers in Ontario 389890
Ivaco Rollings Mills 2004 L.P. IRM Pension Plan 1024181
ivari Canada ULC Retirement Plan for Employees 388942
ivari Holdings ULC and Affiliated Companies Retirement Plan for Employees 300368
John Howard Society of Ontario, Its Affiliates and Participating Branches Retirement Plan for Employees 258186
Johnson Controls Ltd. LP Pension Plan 355255
Kellogg Canada Inc. Retirement Income Plan for Salaried Employees 442467
Knoll North America Corp. Retirement Plan for the Employees 987206
KPMG LLP Staff Pension Plan 291443
L3 Technologies MAS Inc. Spar Aerospace Pension Plan for Employees Represented by C.A.W. Local 112 549501
L3 Technologies MAS Inc. Spar Aerospace Pension Plan for Employees Represented by C.A.W. Local 673 549519
Labourers of Central and Eastern Canada Rules and Regulations of the LiUNA Pension Fund of Central and Eastern Canada 573188
Labourers’ Local 493 Supplemental Pension Plan 1112424
La Société de l'arthrite Régime de pension agréé des employés de la Société de l'arthrite 230250
Lafarge Canada Inc. Pension Plan for Hourly Employees 432104
Lafarge Canada Inc. Régime de retraite des employés salariés de Lafarge Canada Inc. 229799
Lafarge Canada Inc. Lafarge Canada Inc. Non-Salaried Employees' Pension Plan 241992
LANXESS Canada Co./Cie, Retirement Plan 948620
LANXESS Canada Co./Cie, Retirement Plan for Employees of Witco Canada Inc. 319830
Laurentian University of Sudbury and its Federated and Affiliated Universities Retirement Plan 267013
London Life Insurance Company Staff Pension Plan 343368
Long & McQuade Limited and Participating Affiliates Registered Pension Plan for Employees 374496
LS Travel Retail North America Inc. The Corporate Pension Plan of LS Travel Retail North America Inc. 1024512
LS Travel Retail North America Inc. Pension Plan for Employees of LS Travel Retail North America Inc. 1024520
Luminus Financial Services & Credit Union Limited Pension Plan 1276518
Magellan Aerospace Frozen Defined Benefit Pension Plan 531582
Magellan Aerospace, Haley Pension Plan for Hourly Employees  900852
Maple Leaf Foods Inc. Employees’ Retirement Plan 200 354142
Maple Leaf Foods Inc. and Affiliates Pension Plan 351486
Maple Lodge Farms Ltd. Registered Pension Plan for Employees 970855
Maple Lodge Farms Ltd. Registered Plan for Specified UFCW Local 175 Employees, Brampton Location 1294602
Matsu Manufacturing (Barrie) Inc. Pension Plan for Employees 1063304
McCormick Canada Co. Retirement Plan for Employees 254854
McKesson Canada Corporation Régime de retraite des employés de McKesson Canada Corporation 344689
McWilliams Cartage Ltd. and Participating Affiliates Registered Pension Plan for Employees 1029255
Medtronic Canada ULC Pension Plan 940619
Mercury Marine Limited Pension Plan 304642
Meridian Credit Union Limited Pension Plan 595504
Metso Minerals Canada Inc. Pension Plan for Employees 980276
Mine Safety Appliances Company Canadian Pension Plan 287441
Morguard Corporation Employees’ Retirement Plan 200907
Morguard Investments Limited Employees’ Retirement Plan 548222
NCR Canada Corp. Pension Plan 292268
Niagara Battery & Tire Ltd. Pension Plan for the Employees 1107325
Northbridge Financial Corporation Pension Plan 293944
Odyssey Reinsurance Company Pension Plan for Employees (Canadian Branch) 581199
Ontario Medical Association Pension Plan 215426
Ontario Teachers Federation Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan 345785
Otis Canada, Inc. Pension Plan for Non-Bargaining Employees 382739
Ottawa Community Agencies Pension Plan/Regime des retraite des organismes communautaires d’Ottawa 293225
Pactiv Canada Inc. Pension Plan for Certain Unionized Employees 1101856
Panasonic Canada Inc. Pension Plan 962738
Parker Hannifin Canada Retirement Plan for Certain Divisions 556407
Parsons Inc. Pension Plan for Employees 241273
Penguin Random House Canada Limited Random House of Canada Limited Retirement Plan 401729
PepsiCo Canada ULC Régime de retraite des employés de PBG et des employés salariés de PepsiCo Canada ULC 998955
Pfizer Canada Inc. Pharmacia & Upjohn Pension Plan 311084
Pfizer Canada Inc. Pension Plan for Searle & Company Canada Inc. Employees 341230
Pfizer Canada Inc. Warner-Lambert Canada Inc. Pension Plan 344713
Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 599 Pension Plan 577353
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP The Retirement Plan for Employees of PricewaterhouseCoopers 264713
Priestly Demolition Inc.  Pension Plan 1082015
Procter & Gamble Inc. Procter & Gamble Core Pension Plan 681163
Providence St. Joseph's and St. Michael's Healthcare  Pension Plan 1016609
Providence St. Joseph's and St. Michael's Healthcare  St. Joseph's Healthcare Pension Plan 1016617
Purdue Pharma Pension Plan for Employees 1010024
Purity Zinc Metals, a division of North American Zinc Company Pension Plan for the Employees 485326
Randstad Interim Inc. Pension Plan for Employees 922336
Rapport Credit Union Limited Rapport Credit Union Pension Plan 1313220
Raytheon Canada Limited Retirement Plan for Employees 297275
RBC Dominion Securities Pension Plan 240606
RBC Investor Services Royal Trust New Pension Plan 1086776
RBC Investor Services Trust  Pension Plan 1157007
RBC Life Insurance Company Pension Plan 303222
Reliance Comfort Limited Partnership Reliance Comfort Employees' Pension Plan 1050160
Rich Products of Canada, Limited Pension Plan for Salaried and Non-Union Hourly Associates 361782
Rich Products of Canada, Limited Retirement Plan for Hourly-Rated Associates 361774
Ricoh Canada Inc. Pension Plan for Former IKON Employees 1026566
Rockwell Automation Canada Ltd. Pension Plan for Employees 321554
Ruetgers Canada Inc. Pension Plan for Employees 690339
SABIC Innovative Plastics Canada Inc./Plastiques Innovants SABIC Canada Inc. Pension Plan for Employees 341081
Sabre Canada Inc. Retirement Benefit Plan for Employees in Canada 1078955
Sagen Mortgage Insurance Company Inc. Pension Plan for the Employees of Sagen 1143825
Saint Elizabeth Health Care Pension Plan for Employees 989012
Saint Paul University Saint Paul University Pension Plan 529610
Sandvik Canada Inc. Pension Plan for The Employees 304840
Sandvik Canada, Inc. Dormer Tools Pension Plan 576405
Sandvik Canada, Inc. Retirement Plan for the Employees of Valenite-Modco 360842
Sandvik Materials Technology Canada, Tube Production Unit Pension Plan for Hourly Employees  1046572
Sanofi Pasteur Limited  Pension Plan for Bargaining Employees 491316
Sanofi Pasteur Limited  Pension Plan for Salaried Employees 312843
Schneider Electric Canada Inc.  Salaried Employees Pension Plan for Former Square D Canada Electrical Equipment Inc. and Telemecanique Canada Ltd. Employees 337865
Schneider Electric Canada Inc.  Salaried Employees Pension Plan 255216
SCI Group Inc. and its Subsidiaries and Affiliated Companies Pension Plan for Employees 1086412
Scotia Capital Inc. Pension Plan for Employees 559666
Securitas Canada Ltd. Securitas Canada's Retirement Program for GM Site Employees 1001767
Semex Alliance Registered Pension Plan for Employees of Semex Alliance 321174
ShawCor Ltd. Pension Plan for Salaried Employees 361733
ShawCor Ltd. and Certain Subsidiary Companies Retirement Annuity Plan for Hourly Paid and Certain Subsidiary Employees 590695
Sheet Metal Workers Local Union 30  Pension Plan 345850
Shiseido (Canada) Inc. Shiseido (Canada) Inc. Pension Plan 948919
Silgan Dispensing Systems Canada Pension Plan for Employees 1014802
SKF Canada Limited Negotiated Non-Contributory Pension Plan for Hourly Rated Employees 228429
Slaight Communications Inc. and Affiliated Companies Pension Plan for The Employees 309831
Solenis Canada ULC Primary Pension Plan 528208
Société de fiducie Computershare du Canada Retirement Plan for Employees of Computershare Trust Company of Canada 1065499
Société immobilière du Canada CLC Canada Lands Company CLC Limited Pension Plan 1022524
Société immobilière du Canada CLC Limitée Pension Plan for the Employees of Canada Lands Company CLC Limited 966713
Stelco Inc.  Retirement Plan for Salaried Employees at Hamilton Works 338509
Stelco Inc.  Retirement Plan for Salaried Employees at Lake Erie Works 698753
Stelco Inc. Retirement Plan for USW Local 1005 Members at Hamilton Works 354878
St. Leonard's Community Services Inc. Régime de retraite des employés de St. Leonard's Community Services 361139
Stelco Inc.  Retirement Plan for USW Local 8782 Members at Lake Erie Works 698761
Subaru Canada, Inc. Régime de pension agréé des employés de Subaru Canada, Inc. 680330
Sybron Canada LP Pension Plan for Employees 201764
Teamsters & Hamilton and Vicinity Ready-Mix Producers Pension Plan 392688
Teamsters & Toronto and Vicinity Ready-Mix Producers Pension Plan 395152
Teamsters Canada Canadian Pension Plan 417626
Teamsters Local 647 and 847 Multi Local Pension Plan 278408
Tenneco Canada Inc. Retirement Plan for Salaried Employees 300939
Terra International (Canada) Inc. Pension Plan for Employees 697383
Thales Canada Inc.  Pension Plan 956904
Thunderpine Leasing Inc. Pension Plan for the Employees of Thunderpine Leasing Inc. 1086321
Toyota Canada Inc.  Associates’ Pension Plan 558452
Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada Inc. Retirement Income Plan 680058
Trent University Contributory Pension Plan for Employees Represented by OPSEU Local 365 and Exempt Administrative Staff 310409
U A Local 787  Pension Plan 491688
U A  Local 552  Pension Plan 291278
Underwriters Laboratories of Canada Inc.  Staff Pension Plan 554790
United Association of Journeyman and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry of the United States and Canada Local 401 Pension Plan 598532
United Association of Journeyman and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry of the United States and Canada Local 552 UA Local 552 Pension Plan 381525
United Food and Commercial Workers  Pension Plan 930396
United Steelworkers Pension Plan 222737
United Way of Greater Toronto Retirement Plan for Employees 316240
Unity Health Toronto St. Michael's Hospital Pension Plan 302851
University of Ottawa Retirement Pension Plan 310839
UPS SCS, Inc.  Employees' Pension Plan 271833
Valvoline Canada Corp. Retirement Plan for Employees 591685
Veoneer Canada, Inc.  Pension Plan for Certain Employees of Veoneer Canada, Inc. 1324607
Vic Priestly Contracting Ltd. Vic Priestly Contracting Ltd. Pension Plan 1081991
Victoria Park Community Homes Management Project The Defined Contribution Pension Plan for Employees of Victoria Park Community Homes Management Project 955310
Volkswagen Group Canada Inc.  Pension Plan 315226
Wajax Limited Wajax Limited Defined Contribution Pension Plan 1352624
Waste Management of Canada Corporation  Pension Plan for Retirees 585695
Waste Management of Canada Corporation  Pension Plan for Former Employees of Tricil Limited 1045384
Waste Management of Canada Corporation  Pension Plan 1039940
Wayne Fueling Systems Canada ULC  Retirement Income Plan 1075373
Wendy's Restaurants of Canada Inc. Régime de retraite des employés salariés des restaurants Wendy’s du Canada 1021591
WestRock Company of Canada Inc. Pension Plan for Employees 981324
WestRock Company of Canada Inc. Pension Plan for Unionized Employees 902312
Wilfred Laurier University  Pension Plan 314492
William E. Coutts Company Limited Coutts Hallmark Pension Plan 238154
Willis Towers Watson Inc. Retirement Income Plan 214585
Windsor Salt Ltd. Employees Pension Plan 228015
Wolverine Forest Products Ltd. Pension Plan for the Hourly Employees of Wolverine Forest Products Ltd. 1212935
Woodbine Entertainment Group Pension Plan for Non-Union Employees 687434
Woodbine Entertainment Group Pension Plan for Union Employees 389874
Woodbine Entertainment Group Retirement Annuity Plan for Racing Officials and Non-Permanent Staff 391300
Wycliffe Property Management Limited Pension Plan For Employees Of Wycliffe Property Management Limited & Associated Companies 498386
Xylem Canada Company Company Pension Plan 231761