Results 1 - 10 of 981
FSRA imposes administrative penalty and compliance order against Ulrich Fabrice Avognon
Enforcement Actions
Life and Health Insurance
Ontario’s financial services regulator, FSRA, has imposed an administrative penalty of $100,000 and a compliance order on Ulrich Fabrice Avognon (Avognon). Avognon sought payment for goods or services related to a claim under an insurance contract that were either not provided to a claimant or were
FSRA imposes administrative penalties on Avraj Singh Dulay
Enforcement Actions
Mortgage Brokering
Ontario's financial services regulator, FSRA, has imposed eighteen (18) administrative penalties in the total amount of $25,000 on Avraj Singh Dulay (Dulay). Dulay fabricated documents in connection with several property purchase transactions, contrary to section 43(2) of the Mortgage Brokerages
FSRA revokes the licence of Nakhwattie (Debbie) Somai
Enforcement Actions
Life and Health Insurance
Ontario's financial services regulator, FSRA, has revoked the insurance agent licence of Nakhwattie (Debbie) Somai (Somai). Somai repeatedly failed to provide requested information to FSRA and breached a licensing condition by not facilitating an examination by FSRA, contrary to sections 442.3(3)
FSRA issues notice of proposal against Hong Wei Liao
Enforcement Actions
Life and Health Insurance
Ontario's financial services regulator, FSRA, has initiated enforcement action against Hong Wei Liao (“Liao”). FSRA alleges Liao is not suitable to be licensed under the Insurance Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.I.8, as amended (the “Act”) and its regulations. Liao is not of good character and reputation or
FSRA revokes the insurance agent licence of Robert Randall Hawken and the corporate insurance agent licence of Dufferin Insurance Group
Enforcement Actions
Life and Health Insurance
Ontario's financial services regulator, FSRA, has revoked the insurance agent licence of Robert Randall Hawken (Hawken) and the corporate insurance agent licence of Dufferin Insurance Group (DIG). Hawken, the sole Director of DIG, and DIG are no longer suitable to be licensed under the Insurance Act
Strengthening protection for life and health insurance consumers in Ontario
Life and Health Insurance
FSRA seeks public feedback on proposed rule for life and health managing general agents (L&H MGAs) Ontario’s financial services regulator (FSRA) is proposing a new rule to better protect consumers and strengthen oversight of life and health insurance managing general agents (L&H MGAs). It will also
FSRA issues notice of proposal against Jonathan Matthew Warden
Enforcement Actions
Life and Health Insurance
Ontario's financial services regulator, FSRA, has initiated enforcement action against Jonathan Matthew Warden (Warden). FSRA alleges that Warden failed to respond to FSRA inquiries within the required period and failed in his duty to provide prompt, complete information, contrary to sections 442.1
FSRA announces appointment of Dexter John as Chief Executive Officer
Cross Sector
The Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA) is pleased to announce the appointment of Dexter John as its new Chief Executive Officer, effective March 1, 2025. Dexter John brings more than 25 years of leadership experience in founding and managing organizations, governance, risk
Seeking expert advice from the mortgage brokering sector
Mortgage Brokering
For Industry
Ontario’s financial services regulator, FSRA, is committed to being transparent and collaborative to ensure that stakeholders have broad input into our policy development and decision making. Part of this approach includes seeking advice from subject matter experts who make up our technical advisory
Further strengthening protections for auto accident victims
Health Service Providers
With the release of its third Health Service Provider Supervision Plan, Ontario’s financial services regulator, FSRA, is taking decisive action to ensure fair outcomes for motor vehicle accident victims. When a person is injured in a motor vehicle accident and seeks medical treatment from a licensed