If you are looking to work with a loan and trust company for deposits or loans, FSRA is responsible for registering all federally incorporated loan and trust companies that do business in Ontario. We enforce the Loan and Trust Corporations Act that govern loan and trust companies.

When choosing a Loan and Trust company, verify the company is on the list of registered Loan and Trust companies in Ontario.

Loan and trust

Questions you may want to ask a loan and trust company:

Loan and trust
  • What loan and trust services do you offer?
  • How are your services different from a bank, insurance company or another loan and trust corporation?
  • Are there fees associated with the service I want you to provide? If so, how much are they and how are they paid?
  • Do you accept third party fees, benefits, or commission for placing my business or dealing on my behalf? If so, what does that fee structure look like?
  • What security measures are in place to protect my privacy?
  • Am I able to move my deposit to another loan and trust corporation? Is there a fee for this?

Enforcement and monitoring

We take our responsibilities to protect you from misconduct or non-compliance very seriously. View our most recent enforcement and monitoring information for this sector.

Engagement and consultation

We work with a Consumer Advisory Panel that provides a consumer perspective on proposed FSRA policy changes. View our engagement and consultation information.

Useful resources

Federal Regulator of Loan and Trust Corporations: Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions

Trust and Loan Companies Act (S.C. 1991, c. 45): Trust and Loan Companies Act

Legal Advice: Law Society of Ontario