FSRA's Innovation Office
Video duration: 01:43
Background music: “Inspiring Background 1” by Wave-Audio
Time: 00:00 - 00:03
Video copy: Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA)
Video visual: “FSRA” white bold logo [positioned in the center] appears. “Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario” white word logo [positioned under “FSRA”] appears. FSRA logo disappears.
Morph transition – teal background turning to teal circle [positioned in the center]
Time: 00:03 - 00:07
Video copy: FSRA is committed to making Ontario a leader in financial services innovation
Video visual: Orange, yellow, and blue gears [positioned in the center] appear and rotate. “FSRA is committed to making Ontario a leader in financial services innovation” [positioned at the bottom] appears. “FSRA is committed to making Ontario a leader in financial services innovation” disappears to the bottom.
Time: 00:07 - 00:11
Video copy: in Canada and around the world
Video visual: Orange, yellow, and blue gears disappear to the left.
Globe [positioned in the center] appears and spins. “in Canada and around the world” [positioned at the bottom] appears. “in Canada and around the world” disappears to the bottom.
Morph transition – globe turning to head of orange consumer icon [positioned in the upper center]
Time: 00:11 - 00:12
Video visual: Body of orange consumer icon, yellow consumer icon, blue consumer icon [positioned in the center] appear.
Morph transition – head of orange consumer icon turning to teal circle [positioned in the center]
Time: 00:12 - 00:16
Video visual: Orange hand [positioned in the center] and warm yellow circle line [positioned in the center of teal circle] appear. Orange hand clicking teal circle. White and pale teal circle burst effects appear. Warm yellow circle line turning to mustard yellow circle line.
Morph transition – teal circle turning to teal shield, and mustard yellow circle line turning to white check [positioned in the center of the shield]
Time: 00:16 - 00:17
Video visual: Orange hand disappears, and cupped hands [positioned under teal shield] appear.
Slide transition – blue, teal, orange, and yellow background sliding from right to left. Erasing scene. Yellow background being fixed in the center.
Time: 00:18 - 00:24
Video copy: to develop bold new ideas
Video visual: Pale teal circle and teal bulb icon of Innovation Office logo [positioned in the center] appear. “to develop bold new ideas” [positioned at the bottom] appears. White, yellow, and orange circle burst effects [positioned in the center of circle] appear. “to develop bold new ideas” disappears to the left.
Time: 00:24 - 00:34
Video copy: FSRA has established an Innovation Office
Video visual: “FSRA has established an Innovation Office” [positioned at the bottom] appears. Teal gear icon of Innovation Office logo [positioned inside of bulb icon] appears and rotates. “FSRA has established an Innovation Office” disappears to the bottom. Innovation Office logo moves a little down. Circle burst effects appears.
Time: 00:34 - 00:36
Video copy: promoting innovative thinking
Video visual: “promoting innovative thinking” [positioned at the bottom] appears. Orange profile icon [positioned in the center] appears, and Innovation Office logo slightly moves into orange profile icon.
Time: 00:36 - 00:39
Video copy: looking at ways to attract and retain investment
Video visual: Orange profile icon and Innovation Office logo turning to three gathering hands. “promoting innovative thinking” disappears to the left, and “looking at ways to attract and retain investment” [positioned at the bottom] appears.
Slide transition – midnight blue, indigo blue, and teal background sliding from left to right. Erasing scene.
Time: 00:39 - 00:48
Video visual: Pale teal background and teal document icon [positioned in the center] moves from the right to the center. Pencil icon [positioned in the center] appears. Pencil icon drawing four white lines in the document icon.
Time: 00:48 - 00:50
Video copy: new ideas
Video visual: Pencil icon drawing first orange check. “new ideas” [positioned at the bottom] appears.
Time: 00:50 - 00:51
Video copy: products
Video visual: Pencil icon drawing second orange check. “new ideas” disappears to the left. “products” [positioned at the bottom] appears.
Time: 00:51 - 00:52
Video copy: services
Video visual: Pencil icon drawing third orange check. “products” disappears to the left. “services” [positioned at the bottom] appears.
Time: 00:52 - 00:54
Video copy: business models
Video visual: Pencil icon drawing fourth orange check. “services” disappears to the left. “business models” [positioned at the bottom] appears. Pencil icon disappears. “business models” disappears to the bottom.
Time: 00:54 - 00:58
Video copy: The Innovation Framework will help
Video visual: Teal document icon turning to teal gear icon and the gear icon rotating. “The Innovation Framework will help” [positioned at the bottom] appears.
Time: 00:58 - 01:04
Video copy: innovators develop their ideas
Video visual: “The Innovation Framework will help” disappears to the left. Yellow lines, blue circles, and orange line [positioned in the center] appear and connect to the gear icon. “innovators develop their ideas” [positioned in the center] appears. “innovators develop their ideas” disappears to the bottom. The gear icon disappears to the left.
Time: 01:04 - 01:09
Video copy: while maintaining consumer confidence in Ontario’s financial services sectors
Video visual: Diverse happy people [positioned in the center] appears. “while maintaining consumer confidence in Ontario’s financial services sectors” [positioned at the bottom] appears. Particles burst effect appears. “while maintaining consumer confidence in Ontario’s financial services sectors” disappears to the bottom. People disappears to the left.
Time: 01:09 - 01:14
Video copy: The Innovation Office is fostering a culture that treats innovators consistently and fairly
Video visual: Hand shaking two people [positioned in the center] appears. “The Innovation Office is fostering a culture that treats innovators consistently and fairly” [positioned at the bottom] appears. Particles burst effect appears. Hand shaking two people disappears to the left. “The Innovation Office is fostering a culture that treats innovators consistently and fairly” disappears to the left.
Time: 01:14 - 01:23
Video copy: acknowledges the importance of innovation
Video visual: Teal rounded shape morphs into whiteboard. “acknowledges the importance of innovation” [positioned in the center] appears. The stand of whiteboard and six puzzle pieces appear. Six puzzle pieces gathering and making bulb. “acknowledges the importance of innovation” disappears to the bottom.
Circle transition – erasing scene and turning to teal background
Time: 01:23 - 01:35
Video copy: Learn more about the Innovation Office at www.fsrao.ca/innovationoffice
Video visual: “Learn more about the Innovation Office at” [positioned in the center] appears. Circle burst effects appear. www.fsrao.ca/innovationoffice [positioned in the center] appears. “Learn more about the Innovation Office at www.fsrao.ca/innovationoffice” disappears.
Time: 01:35 - 01:43
Video copy: Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA). Autorité ontarienne de réglementation des services financiers (ARSF).
Video visual: FSRA logo [positioned in the center] appears.