If you want to be an independent or public insurance adjuster in Ontario, you must apply for a licence with the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA). If you are an adjuster employed by a licensed insurance company, you do not need your own adjuster licence.

About the licence

Types of adjusters

Insurance adjusters investigate insurance claims and determine the amount of loss or damages covered. There are three types of adjusters:

  1. Insurance company adjusters work in the claims departments of insurance companies and represent insurers.
  2. Public adjusters represent policyholders.
  3. Independent adjusters represent insurers or policyholders.

Public adjusters and independent adjusters need to be licensed by FSRA. Insurance company adjusters do not need a licence.

Sponsorship required with an adjusting firm

As an adjuster, you must be sponsored by an adjusting firm at all times.

  • Your adjusting firm is responsible for confirming you meet all licensing requirements, and for managing the application process for your licence.
  • As the adjuster, you are responsible for maintaining your licence, such as completing the education program.

Fee for a new application

The fee to apply for a new adjuster licence is $75. This fee will cover your first year up to June 30. Then, you will need to renew it to keep your licence active.

Depending on the arrangement you have with your adjusting firm, they may pay the fee OR you may be responsible for paying this fee. Check with your adjusting firm for details.

Three phases of licensing

There is a three-step process for getting an adjuster licence in Ontario.

To graduate through each phase, you will need to complete the required courses offered by the Insurance Institute. Go to Education program for new adjusters for more details about the courses.




1. Letter of Authority

You must successfully meet all the requirements for a new licence.

You cannot:

  • sign any report or communication addressed to an insurer
  • sign any other correspondence without permission of your adjusting company.
  • negotiate the settlement of any bodily injury claim
  • authorize repairs to property, or agree to accept any bill regarding a claim without the consent of your adjusting company

2. Probationary Licence

You must complete the first four Insurance Institute courses.

Go to Education program for new adjusters for details.


3. Full Adjuster Licence

You must:

  • complete the next four Insurance Institute courses
  • pass the Canadian Independent Adjusters’ Association (CIAA) exam

Go to Education program for new adjusters for details.



  • If you have a Chartered Insurance Professional (CIP) designation or a Fellow Chartered Insurance Professional (FCIP) designation in good standing, you can bypass the courses and write the CIAA exam. As proof, you will need to provide:
    • A screenshot of the CIP or FCIP membership page showing the active status and expiry date; or
    • An official Insurance Institute letter dated in the last 12 months with the expiry date of the CIP or FCIP designation
  • If you have already completed any of the requirements from the education program, you can bypass the Letter of Authority and move to either the Probationary Licence or the Full Adjuster Licence.

What are the requirements for a new licence?

Surrender your insurance agent licence

If you have a licence to sell insurance, you will need to surrender it before you can apply for an adjuster licence. Review Surrender my insurance licence for more details

If you have an insurance broker licence, go to Registered Insurance Brokers of Ontario (RIBO) to cancel your licence.

Checklist for a new licence

Review this checklist to ensure you are ready to apply for a new licence.


  • Be sponsored by an adjusting firm.
  • Be legally entitled to work in Canada.
  • Be 18 years of age or older.
  • Confirm you are not licensed as an insurance agent or broker.
  • Be familiar with the laws of Ontario relating to adjusters.
  • Be suitable for a licence.

Once you have met all these requirements, you will need to begin the application process.

New Criminal Record check process

FSRA is changing its licensing process for criminal background checks to ensure the processes remain up to date. Criminal record checks are part of FSRA’s rigorous licence qualification process to protect consumers by ensuring only suitable individuals sell or offer financial products and services in Ontario. 

FSRA now requires licence applicants to complete their criminal record checks through our approved vendor Triton. You must complete a background check before you submit your FSRA application, using Triton’s website to complete the check. Once completed, you will need to provide a copy of your Triton receipt in your application to FSRA.

Please note that a fee of $19.15 applies for Triton’s service, and the background check is valid for 90 days.

If you have any further questions about the new background check process, please contact us.

Frequently asked questions – Background check process

Ready to apply for a new licence?

1. Download the Insurance Adjuster Application.

  • Right click on the link and choose Save link as to download the PDF to your computer or drive.

2. Fill out the application electronically.

  • Select the Letter of Authority as the Type of Licence.
    • If you have already completed any of the requirements from the education program, you can select Probationary Licence or Full Adjuster Licence. You will need to include documentation as part of your application.
  • You will need to verify your suitability to have a licence by confirming:
    • You are a person of good character and reputation.
    • You meet all licensing requirements and are a suitable person to receive a licence as an adjuster.
    • You have provided information about bankruptcies, lawsuits, criminal records, decisions from other regulators or licensing bodies or other employment information.
    • You will comply with Ontario’s laws and the requirements of the adjuster’s licence.

3. Ask your adjusting firm to fill out Part D (Notice of Appointment).

4. Complete a background check through Triton

5. Your adjusting firm can submit the completed form and a copy of your Triton receipt through the Online Services Portal.

  • If you need to pay the fee, you can make the payment through the Online Services Portal with credit card (VISA, Mastercard) or select debit cards (RBC, TD, First Nations Bank of Canada, most credit unions).

What happens after the application is submitted:

Visit our web page to check processing times. If your application is approved, your adjusting firm will receive a copy of your licence. You will need to ask them to give you a copy.

Education program for new adjusters

To get through the next two phases of your licence, you will need to complete an education program, which includes the following:

Probationary Licence

  • Complete the first four Insurance Institute courses

Full Adjuster Licence

  • Complete the next four Insurance Institute courses
  • Pass the Canadian Independent Adjusters’ Association (CIAA) exam

Probationary Licence

1. Complete the following four courses:

  • C11 - Principles and Practice of Insurance
  • C12 - Insurance on Property
  • C14 - Automobile Insurance – Part 1
  • C110 - Essentials of Loss Adjusting

To review course descriptions, fees and registration details, go to Insurance Institute.

2. Request your Probationary Licence:

  • When you have completed the first four courses, inform your adjusting firm.
  • Your adjusting firm will need to send an email to FSRA ([email protected]) to request the upgrade.
  • FSRA will send the updated licence to your adjusting firm.
  • You can get a copy of the licence from your adjusting firm.

Full Adjuster Licence:

1. Complete the following four courses AND the four courses outlined above:

  • C13 - Insurance Against Liability – Part 1
  • C32 - Bodily Injury Claims
  • C111 - Advanced Loss Adjusting
  • C112 - Practical Issues in Claims Management

To review course descriptions, fees and registration details, go to Insurance Institute.

2. Pass the Canadian Independent Adjusters’ Association (CIAA) exam

When you finish all eight Insurance Institute courses, you are eligible to complete an online exam through the CIAA. You will need to score 70% or higher to get a Full Adjuster Licence.

For more information about the exam, fees and registration details, go to CIAA.

3. Request your Full Adjuster Licence:

  • The CIAA sends the exam mark directly to FSRA.
  • Your adjusting firm still needs to request the official upgrade.
    • Inform your adjusting firm that you have passed the exam with a grade of at least 70%.
    • Your adjusting firm should email the upgrade request to [email protected].
  • FSRA will send the updated licence to your adjusting firm.
  • You can get a copy of the licence from your adjusting firm.