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Standing Technical Advisory Committee for Public Sector Pension Plans (PSPP)
Meeting summary
Date: Tuesday, March 3, 2022
Time: 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Location: Videoconference
This summary sets out the key points discussed at the March 3, 2022, meeting.
- The group discussed the article on inflation that FSRA recently published.
Survey feedback (FSRA and administrative errors)
- FSRA shared feedback received from the technical advisory committees (TACs) from a recent survey conducted by FSRA.
- Common administrative errors and the possibility of future FSRA guidance in the area was also discussed.
Member engagement and communications
- FSRA is working on a discussion paper on this topic, focusing on defined benefit plans.
Draft principles based regulation guidance
- As a principles-based regulator, FSRA will be releasing draft guidance shortly to consult on FSRA’s approach to principles-based regulation. There will be sector-specific consultations, as well as a public consultation.
PBGF calculations draft guidance
- The group discussed the recent draft guidance FSRA released for comment on deadlines and calculation of PBGF assessments.
Other draft guidance documents
- FSRA advised that it was not yet ready to release draft guidance documents Pension Plan Amendments: Effective Date, Indexation Formula & Notice, and Limitations on Commuted Value Transfers and Annuity Purchases (DB Pension Plans).
Next Meeting
The next meeting of the committee is scheduled for June 2022.
Attendance Record
Invited/Attended |
Company Name |
Attendance Status |
Andrew Fung |
FSRA – Head, Relationship Management and Prudential Supervision (Pensions) and Committee Co-Chair |
VC |
Gareth Gibbins |
OMERS and Committee Co-Chair |
VC |
Cynthia Crysler |
Cavalluzzo LLP |
VC |
Danelle Parkinson |
VC |
David Gordon |
VC |
Hrvoje Lakota |
Investment Management Corporation of Ontario |
VC |
Jeff Sommers |
Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP |
VC |
Julie Belair |
OPTrust |
VC |
Kevin Skerrett |
CUPE National Office |
VC |
Len Elliott |
R |
Mary Cover |
VC |
Murray Gold |
Koskie Minsky |
R |
Paul Winnett |
Morneau Shepell Ltd |
VC |
Philip Morse |
Willis Towers Watson |
VC |
Rachel Arbour |
R |
Scott Clausen |
Mercer |
VC |
Susan Philpott |
Goldblatt Partners |
R |
Mark Eagles, Jesse Heath-Rawlings, |
VC |
Susan Ampleford |
VC |
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