Corporations and partnerships that have an adjusting firm licence in Ontario must renew their licence with the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA) every year on June 30.

About licence renewals

Every year, your adjusting firm licence will expire on June 30, along with the licences for any adjusters working on behalf of your firm. You will need to renew all  licences before June 30 to keep them active.

FSRA will send you an email 60 calendar days before the expiration date to let them know your licence needs to be renewed. This is a courtesy reminder – it is your responsibility to know when your licence will expire and to keep your business email up to date with FSRA.

You can renew the licences at any time during the 60-day window.

Note: while some renewals are processed quickly, others may require additional review. Submit your renewal applications as soon as possible to avoid having the licences expire.

How to handle multiple licence renewals

FSRA will process renewals for the adjusting firm and the principal adjuster first before handling any other adjuster licences in your firm.

You can either:

  • Submit the renewal applications for your adjusting firm and principal adjuster first, with the rest of the adjuster licences to follow.
  • Submit all  renewal applications at once. FSRA will review adjusting firm and principal adjuster applications first.

Fee for renewing a licence

The fees to renew the licences are:

  • $200 for the adjusting firm
  • $75 for each adjuster (including the principal adjuster)

These fees will cover the next year up to June 30, after which you will have to renew the licence every year.

What if a licence is inactive?

If your business wants to offer insurance adjusting services again, go to Reinstate an adjusting firm licence.


If an adjuster wants to work again as an adjuster, they can go to Reinstate my insurance adjuster licence.

What if we miss the deadline for renewing?

If your business or an adjuster doesn’t renew their licence before the expiration date, the licence will lapse and will no longer be active.


What are the requirements for renewing a licence?

To reinstate your adjusting firm licence, you will need to meet many of the requirements that you needed when you first applied for a licence.


If you’ve made any changes to your business, you will need to provide updated documents from the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery. Examples of changes that need to be reported include:

  • new principal adjuster
  • new trade name
  • new directors, officers or partners

See changing licence information for an adjusting firm for details.

Once you have met all these requirements, you will be ready to begin the application process.

Ready to renew the licences?

Who can apply for a renewal?

A director, officer or partner will need to submit the renewal applications.

How to renew

1. You will need to provide multiple renewal applications:

i. Adjusting firm

Download and complete the Corporate/Partnership Application for insurance adjuster

ii. Principal adjuster

Download and complete the Insurance Adjuster Application

iii. All other adjusters

Download and complete the Insurance Adjuster Application

2. Submit the completed applications along with the required documents through the Online Services Portal.

  • Submit your corporate adjusting firm renewal application on the same day as your principal adjuster's renewal application

3. You will be asked to pay the fee on the Online Services Portal.

  • You can use credit card (VISA, Mastercard) or select debit cards (RBC, TD, First Nations Bank of Canada, most credit unions).

What happens after the application is submitted:

FSRA will send you an email to confirm it has received your application.

For most applications

  • Visit our web page to check processing times.
  • If approved, FSRA will email you a PDF of your licence.

If the application requires additional review

  • FSRA will send you a follow-up email to let you know your application requires additional review.
  • The email will include the name and contact information for the assigned Licensing and Registration Specialist.
  • The Specialist will contact you directly if additional information is required. 
  • If approved, FSRA will email you a PDF of your licence.

New Criminal Record check process 

FSRA is changing its licensing processes for background criminal checks to ensure the processes remain up to date. Criminal record checks are part of FSRA’s rigorous licence qualification process to protect consumers by ensuring only suitable individuals sell or offer financial products and services in Ontario.

FSRA now requires licence applicants to complete their criminal record checks through our approved vendor, Triton Canada (Triton).  If you have disclosed information about a criminal matter, or FSRA has received information that you may be involved in a criminal matter, you may be required to complete a background check after you have submitted your application. 

If required, FSRA will notify you, and will send a link to Triton’s website to complete the background check. Once completed, you will need to provide the 8-digit confirmation number found in your Triton receipt to FSRA.

A fee of $19.15 applies for Triton’s service, and the background check is valid for 90 days.

Please monitor your email frequently for any information requests from FSRA. If you have any further questions about the new background check process, please contact us.

Frequently asked questions – Background check process