If additional information is required, you will receive a notification email with the subject line “Response Required”. Follow the steps below to view FSRA’s correspondence and respond to additional requirements:

  1. Log into the PSP.
  2. In the top navigation bar, select ‘Applications’.
  3. On the ‘Application Record’ page, select the:
    • plan number
    • application type from the drop down menu; and
    • status ‘Awaiting Response’ from the drop down menu
  4. Click on ‘Open Workspace’ in the ‘Actions’ column.
  5. On the ‘Application Workspace’ page, you will find a message from FSRA under the ‘Correspondence’ or ‘Notes’ section.

How to respond to additional requirements

Note: To submit additional documents or notes, your application must be at status ‘Awaiting Response’.

  1. On the ‘Application Workspace’ page, click on the ‘New Correspondence’ button in the ‘Correspondence’ section.
  2. On the ‘Attach Document’ page, add the ‘Title’ of the document you are uploading.
  3. Click on ‘Browse’ and select the file you wish to submit.
  4. Click on ‘Save and Close’ to complete the upload process.

Repeat the ‘New Correspondence’ process (Steps 6 – 9) for each document that you wish to submit.

Submission update:

  1. On the ‘Application Workspace’ page, click on ‘Submission Update’ in the ‘Actions’ window.
  2. On the ‘Submit Application’ page, click on ‘Certify & Submit’ to complete the certification and submission process. You will be returned to the ‘Application Workspace’ page.

What to expect after a submission update:

  • You will receive an automatic email that acknowledges your updated application was received by FSRA.
  • If FSRA requires additional information to review your updated application, you will receive a notification email informing you that a FSRA note or letter has been added to the ‘Application Workspace’ page. Please review and respond.
  • Once FSRA’s review is complete, you will be notified by email. You will be able to access your approval under the ‘Application Workspace’ page for the appropriate application.