[LOGOS: FSRA. Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario and the Coat of Arms of Ontario.]
[An icon of a piggy bank is surrounded by other financial icons such as a stack of coins, a calculator, a money bag, an hourglass, an elderly couple, a person with an umbrella, a laptop and credit card, and a calendar and clock.]
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Instructional video by Pensions. The process of submitting an application for the registration of a pension plan amendment through the Pension Services Portal (PSP).]
[The Pension Services Portal is displayed on a computer monitor. A cursor moves around the screen demonstrating each step.]
Login to the PSP. In the top navigation bar, select Applications. On the Application's records page, click on the New Application button.
[The New Application button is located in the top right corner. The user clicks on the button.]
On the Application Profile page, select the appropriate Plan Number.
Choose Amendment as the Application Type from the dropdown list. Complete the questions on your screen and click Start.
[The user selects the date the amendment covered by the application was approved or adopted, then enters the amendment number.]
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Adding Amendment Details.]
On the Application Workspace page, click on Add Amendment Detail in the Actions window.
[The Actions window is located in the top right corner.]
On the Application for Registration of a Pension Plan Amendment page, you'll need to provide information about the changes that are being made through the Pension Plan Amendment.
[The types of changes are selectable via a dropdown list. The user selects ‘Plan Name’ in the ‘Type of change’ field. The user then enters the effective date and enters the new legal name of pension.]
Repeat the Add Amendment Detail process for each additional change that is included in the amendment. This includes any changes that are occurring on different effective dates, as well as multiple changes that take effect on the same effective date. You must enter each change separately. Note: the information that you provide will be used to populate the form 1.1.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Attaching Documents.]
When you are finished adding the amendment details, the Warnings and Error box will indicate which documents you are required to submit with your application.
[The Warnings and Error box appears at the top of the Application window.]
On the Application Workspace page, click on Attach Document in the Actions window. On the Attached Documents page select the Document Type from the dropdown menu.
[The user selects the Document Type: Restated Plan Text.]
Click on Browse and select the PDF you wish to submit.
[A navigation window appears, and the user selects a PDF to upload.]
Note: the PDF size must be less than 15 megabytes and should not be password protected or encrypted. Click on Save and Close to complete the upload process. Repeat the Attach Documents process for each document that is required for this amendment.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: View Form 1.1 – Application for Registration of a Pension Plan Amendment.]
Click on View Form 1.1 (PDF) in the Actions box.
[The user clicks on ‘View Form 1.1’ and a PDF downloads. The user scrolls through the PDF form.]
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Certifying and Submitting your Application.]
When you're ready to submit your application, click on Submit in the Actions box. If the submit button is grayed out, check for messages in the Warnings and Errors box and make any necessary changes to fix the issues. On the Submit Application page select the Certification box and applicable check boxes for the jurisdictions.
[The options for jurisdictions include: No other relevant Canadian jurisdictions, Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Quebec, Saskatchewan and Federal (see “included employment” in 4 (4) of the Federal PBSA.]
Click on Certify and Submit to complete the certification process. You'll be returned to the Application Workspace page.
[TEXT ON SCREEN:] Note: After submission, you will not be able to make any changes to the amendment details.
[TEXT ON SCREEN:] What to Expect After Submission.
You'll receive an automatic email that acknowledges your application was received by FSRA.
[TEXT ON SCREEN:] Additional Requirements.
If additional information is required, you'll receive a notification email with the subject line Response Required. To view FSRA's correspondence and respond to additional requirements, on the PSP in the top navigation bar, select Applications. On the Application Record page, select the Plan Number, Application Type, Amendment, and under Status select Awaiting Response.
[The options are available via dropdown menus.]
Click on Open Workspace in the Actions column.
[The Actions column is located at the far right.]
On the Application Workspace page you'll find a message from FSRA under the Correspondence or Notes section.
[The Correspondence and Notes sections are located midway down the Application Workspace.]
[The user clicks ‘Open’ in the Correspondence sections and a PDF downloads. The user opens the PDF message from FSRA and highlights the sentence: ‘FSRA requires additional information to register your amendment.’]
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Responding to Additional Requirements.]
Note: to submit additional documents or notes, your application must be at status Awaiting Response. On the Application Workspace page click on the New Correspondence button in the Correspondence section. On the Attach Document page add the title of the document you are uploading.
[The user manually types the title into a text box.]
Click Browse and select the file you wish to submit.
[The user clicks ‘browse’, and a navigation window appears. The user uploads a PDF.]
Click on Save and Close to complete the upload process. Repeat the New Correspondence process for each document that you wish to submit.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Certifying and Submitting your Updated Application.]
On the Application Workspace page click on Submission Update in the Actions window. On the Submission Application page click on Certify and Submit to complete the certification and submission process. You'll be returned to the Application Workspace page.
What to expect after a submission update? You'll receive an automatic email that acknowledges your application was received by FSRA. Again, if FSRA requires further information to review your updated application, you'll receive a notification email informing you that a FSRA note or letter has been added to the Application Workspace page. Please review accordingly and respond.
[TEXT ON SCREEN: Upon Registration.]
Upon registration you'll receive a notification from FSRA indicating that your amendment has been registered.
[The notification subject reads: Review Complete. A Registration Number and Test Plan Number is provided.]
To view and print a Notice of Registration of Amendment, on the PSP in the top navigation bar, select Applications. On the Application Records page select the Plan Number, Application Type Amendment, Status Approved.
[The options are available via dropdown menus.]