How to add a new contact:
- Log into the PSP.
- Choose CONTACTS from the menu bar.
- Choose the PLAN that you want to manage by selecting the plan number from the drop down list.
- A list of existing contacts for the plan will be displayed in a table.
- Select the ADD NEW CONTACT action link in the Actions menu to the right of the table of existing contacts.
- Choose the intended ROLE to be added from the drop down list.
- Select the START button.
- Fill in the required information fields.
- Select the SAVE AND CLOSE button.
- Review the NEW CONTACT INFORMATION section of the Application Workspace summary.
- If you wish to make further changes, select EDIT CONTACT INFO link in the ACTIONS menu.
- If you wish to start over entirely, select ABANDON link in the ACTIONS menu. On the next screen, confirm that you want to abandon this contact change application by selecting the checkbox, then select the ABANDON button.
- If satisfactory, select the SUBMIT action link in the ACTIONS menu. On the next screen, confirm that you want to submit the contact change application by selecting the checkbox, then select the CERTIFY & SUBMIT button.
How to edit contact information:
- Log into the PSP.
- Choose CONTACTS from the menu bar.
- Choose the PLAN by selecting the plan number from the drop down list.
- The existing contacts for the plan will be displayed in a table. The ACTIONS column lists the actions available, beside each contact.
- Select the EDIT action link beside the contact you wish to modify.
- Answer the question, “Has the name of the contact organization/individual trustee changed?” with either YES or NO from the drop down list, as applicable.
- Select the START button.
- Fill in the required information fields.
- Select the SAVE AND CLOSE button.
- Review the NEW CONTACT INFORMATION section of the Application Workspace summary.
- If you wish to make further changes, select on EDIT CONTACT INFO in the ACTIONS menu.
- If you wish to start over entirely, select on ABANDON in the ACTIONS menu. On the next screen, confirm that you want to abandon this contact change application by selecting the checkbox, then select the ABANDON button.
- If satisfactory, select the SUBMIT action link in the ACTIONS menu. On the next screen, confirm that you want to submit the contact change application by selecting the checkbox, then select the CERTIFY & SUBMIT button.
How to remove a contact:
Note: Pension Plan Administrator and Sponsor are key roles; there must always be contact information for these roles on file with FSRA. Information for these roles cannot be removed, it can only be edited or replaced. If the individuals in these roles change, you must provide all required information by using the ADD NEW CONTACT feature. This will replace the old information for that role.
- Log into the PSP.
- Choose CONTACTS from the menu bar.
- Choose the PLAN by selecting the plan number from the drop down list.
- The existing contacts for the plan will be displayed in a table. The ACTIONS column lists the actions available to you beside each contact.
- Select the REMOVE action link beside the contact you wish to remove.
- Select the START button.
- Review the information for the contact to be removed.
- If you wish to start over entirely, select on ABANDON in the ACTIONS menu. On the next screen, select the checkbox to confirm that you want to abandon this contact change application, then select the ABANDON button.
- f satisfactory, select the SUBMIT action link in the ACTIONS menu. On the next screen, select the checkbox to confirm that you want to submit the contact change application, then select the CERTIFY & SUBMIT button.