There are several ways to buy auto insurance. You may purchase your coverage from a licensed:
Insurance broker
Sell insurance on behalf of many different insurance companies. They will find you the best rate from companies they represent. You have the right to ask your broker to provide you with the names of all companies they represent.
Insurance agent
Generally represent only one insurance company.
Direct writer
Are insurance companies that sell their insurance products directly to consumers.
There are several ways to find an insurance agent, broker, or direct writer:
Ask family and friends if they recommend their broker, agent, insurance company or direct writer
Consult your local business telephone directory under “Insurance Agents,” “Insurance Brokers” and “Insurance-General”
To locate a broker near you, visit or learn more at the Insurance Brokers Association of Ontario (IBAO)
For information on insurance companies, visit the Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC)
For information on direct writers, visit the Canadian Association of Direct Relationship Insurers (CADRI)
There are six things you should think about when selecting your agent, broker, or insurance company. All are important:
Learn more about working with your insurance agent, broker or insurance company and what questions to ask when shopping for insurance.