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Table 1: FSRA Major Risks
Legend: Improving Stable
Risk Title |
Trend |
Mitigation |
1. Sustainability of funds |
Insufficient DIRF
FSRA closely monitors liquidity and capital ratios at all credit unions, through information returns, and intervenes when necessary.
Limited access by credit unions to emergency liquidity funding
In December 2020, FSRA entered into a new $2 billion line-of-credit agreement with the Ontario Financing Authority (OFA), which better enables FSRA to provide emergency liquidity to otherwise viable credit unions experiencing short-term liquidity stress, thus maintaining stability and confidence.
Insufficient PBGF
FSRA focuses on prudential supervision of SEPPs for early risk identification, monitoring and intervention, to minimize the potential claims to the PBGF.
2. Organizational maturity challenges |
Legacy: Unsupported software & technology stack and legacy domains
FSRA has developed a digital transformation blueprint, which aligns processes, data, technology, and stakeholder interactions with FSRA’s business vision and priorities. The digital transformation program is expected to replace the legacy applications by 2025.
FSRA has taken action to mitigate the most serious exposures and is implementing a cybersecurity program, tools and controls to set up a modern and adequate cybersecurity practice. The overall cybersecurity program is driven by the National Institute of Standards and Technology Cybersecurity Framework, which leverages a risk-based approach to address the cyber threats faced by the organization. At this stage, FSRA’s priority includes policy, governance, process, risk management and resourcing, to support operational capabilities that will be acquired and developed. Certain tactical, operational and technological capabilities, such as training and awareness and testing defences, are being prioritized in the short-term to address cyber risks of higher concern.
Regulatory & Cultural Transformation
FSRA continues to monitor service delivery and ensure it is consistent with published commitments, such as burden reduction and regulatory effectiveness.
3. Emerging risks associated with COVID-19 |
Macroeconomic & Systemic
* |
FSRA places strong focus in promoting effective governance and risk management in the regulated sectors.
Operational Resilience
FSRA has completed the Business Continuity Management Policy and Cyber Security Policy to manage risks, which may affect operational resilience. FSRA has developed Pandemic Crisis, Cyber Security, Systemic Crisis and Physical Disaster Playbooks to provide guidelines in disruptive situations including COVID-19 crisis. |
* Reflects general deterioration due to the pandemic