
Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires
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Thank you for your interest in FSRA’s Proposed Credit Union Recovery Planning Guidance. The request for submissions is now closed.

FSRA consulted with stakeholders between January 27, 2021 and March 19, 2021.


FSRA is releasing final Recovery Planning Guidance to help credit unions increase their resiliency. Recovery plans equip credit unions with strategies to use in the event of a crisis.

The new Guidance sets out the principles of effective recovery planning. It also describes how FSRA will assess the quality of risk management and credibility of recovery options.

The Guidance comes into effect on July 5, 2021. Credit unions have until January 13, 2023 to submit their final plans. FSRA is asking for interim submissions with key elements of the plans by January 14, 2022, so feedback can be provided before the 2023 deadline.

Consultation feedback

Based on Consultation feedback, the Guidance now includes a phase in period. The phase in period gives credit unions more time to work with FSRA before submitting their final plans in 2023.

FSRA will also consider proportionality when assessing whether credit unions are adhering to the principles set out in the Interpretation.

Useful links


Before we begin, please make sure you do not include any personal or private financial information. If your inquiry does require this information be shared with us, please call us at 1-800-668-0128 or email us at [email protected]

By submitting your content, you agree to have your materials posted on our engagement portal, used in reports and other materials prepared by Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA) that may be shared with the public. Content is moderated so that all posts are respectful and professional. The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.F.31, applies to all online content for instructions.

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Sector Comment Date posted Sort ascending
Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires
[2021-001] Nick Best - Canadian Credit Union Association (CCUA)

Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires
[2021-001] Bernard Brun - Desjardins Group
Le Mouvement Desjardins soumet à l'attention de l'Autorité ontarienne de réglementation des services financiers ses commentaires dans le cadre de la consultation sur la Ligne directrice proposé pour la planification de la reprise des activités.
Pour toute information additionnelle, n'hésitez pas à communiquer avec le soussigné.
Recevez mes salutations distinguées.
Bernard Brun
Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires
[2021-001] José Gallant - Alterna Savings

Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires
[2021-001] Stephen Bolton - Libro Credit Union
Libro is pleased to provide our detailed response to FSRA on the proposed Recovery Planning Guidance. We look forward to ongoing discussion around this important guidance document and focusing on principles based outcomes for the sector.

No questions have been asked about this consultation yet.