Purpose of consultation:
Promoting the protection of member’s deposits and the stability of the credit unions and caisses populaires sector is a priority of the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA). FSRA’s Recovery Planning Guidance helps credit unions and caisses populaires increase their resiliency. By preparing recovery plans, they will have strategies in place to respond effectively in the event of a crisis.
The Guidance sets out the principles of effective recovery planning. It also describes how FSRA will assess the quality of risk management and credibility of recovery options.
This Guidance is FSRA’s Interpretation of legal requirements under the Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Act, 1994, as well as a statement of FSRA’s Approach to assessing the quality of credit union recovery planning frameworks.
Outcome of consultation:
After consulting with the sector, FSRA is releasing final Recovery Planning Guidance.
Based on Consultation feedback, the Guidance now includes a phase in period. The phase in period gives credit unions more time to work with FSRA before submitting their final plans in 2023. FSRA will also consider proportionality when assessing whether credit unions are adhering to the principles set out in the Interpretation.
The Guidance comes into effect on July 5, 2021. Credit unions have until January 13, 2023 to submit their final plans. FSRA is asking for interim submissions with key elements of the plans by January 14, 2022, so feedback can be provided before the 2023 deadline.
Feedback from the sector:
FSRA received four submissions on the proposed Recovery Planning Guidance during the consultation period of January 27, 2021 to March 19, 2021. The submissions and comments are also available on FSRA’s website.
FSRA thanks all commenters for the views expressed. FSRA carefully considered all comments received before finalizing and issuing the Guidance.
Contributors: The following stakeholders took the time to share their perspectives with FSRA:
Organization | Commenter | |
1 | Desjardins Financial Group | Bernard Brun |
2 | Canadian Credit Union Association | Nick Best |
3 | Libro Credit Union | Stephen Bolton |
4 | Alterna Savings | Jose Gallant |
No. | Subject | Summarized Comments | Response |
1 | Desjardins Financial Group Bernard Brun |
There was general support for FSRA’s proposal to adopt a principles-based guidance on recovery planning. Desjardins asked the following to be considered when implementing the Recovery Planning Guidance:
FSRA welcomes the opportunity to initiate a dialogue with DOCU to better understand its unique framework and how this will contribute to recovery planning. FSRA will take Desjardins’ structure into account and this structure should also be reflected in its recovery plan. Regarding implementation, FSRA will include a transition period after the Guidance becomes effective. FSRA will require that credit unions submit credible recovery plans by January 13, 2023. However, in order to provide credit unions with an opportunity to receive feedback before this deadline, FSRA will request that credit unions provide an interim submission detailing the key components of their recovery plans by January 14, 2022. The submission should include the following:
2 | Canadian Credit Union Association Nick Best |
In their submission CCUA gave the following recommendations:
FSRA has committed to adopting a principles-based supervisory approach, under which it is the responsibility of the regulated institution to ensure that it achieves the desired outcomes in an effective manner that is most appropriate for the institution. FSRA’s Recovery Planning Guidance and supervision will reflect this principles-based approach. Institutions should reach out to their Relationship Managers with any questions on recovery planning. Relationship Managers will work with credit unions during a transition period in order to promote understanding of the guidance and ensure the development of credible recovery plans. In addition, FSRA’s Risk-Based Supervisory Framework (currently under development) will lead to accurate and consistent assessments of CU significant activities and risk profiles which can provide opportunities for alignment with CUs’ descriptions in the recovery plans. The Institutional Analysis section of the Guidance notes that a recovery plan should incorporate, by reference, existing materials that exist for other management purposes. The recovery plan is also a good opportunity to provide FSRA with a description of and rationale for the credit union’s organizational structure and business activities. Under the proposed Guidance, credit unions may take into account potential supply chain weaknesses. Although FSRA does not intend to prescribe a table for this purpose, credit unions may develop their own tools. As outlined in the Guidance, a recovery plan should clearly identify any external stakeholder relationships that may be impacted by the divestiture of non-core businesses or other recovery actions. The Guidance is not intended to be prescriptive as to triggers and related remedial actions. Rather, individual credit unions would identify such triggers and remedial actions in their recovery plans, which should be tailored to the structure, size, complexity, and risk profile of the individual institution. The Guidance emphasizes that recovery plans should describe the processes to follow upon the breach of a trigger and activation of the recovery plan, including potential escalation to senior management and/ or the credit union’s board. Although in certain circumstances, a credit union may be able to access support from the regulator in the recovery process, a recovery plan is intended to set out the credit union’s strategy for remaining viable without such support. The plan should set out a wide range of effective recovery options in order to promote institutional resiliency. In the past, Ontario credit unions have shown resilience when faced with adversity due to implementation of effective recovery actions. A recovery plan formalizes these actions and ensures that the credit union sector has a credible recovery framework. Further, credit unions stress testing scenarios should be designed to reveal the circumstances where risks could materialize, upon which senior management and board should be informed through the activation of the recovery plan. Decisions on executions of one or more recovery actions identified will also be made. “Effective challenge” is demonstrated in the recovery planning process if a credit union’s Board has provided oversight and input on the feasibility of recovery options. The Board is expected to have challenged the reasoning, judged whether the conclusions are supported with adequate data and analysis, questioned whether management commitments are sufficient and credible on the preparation of the recovery plan. Identifying and addressing gaps or apparent credibility issues in the recovery plan before a plan is presented to FSRA will reduce the likelihood of negative consequences of the regulator first identifying gaps and issues. Regarding implementation, FSRA will include a transition period after the Guidance becomes effective. FSRA will require that credit unions submit credible recovery plans by January 13, 2023. However, in order to provide credit unions with an opportunity to receive feedback before this deadline, FSRA will request that credit unions provide an interim submission detailing the key components of their recovery plans by January 14, 2022. The submission should include the following:
FSRA will work with credit unions to ensure they submit credible recovery plans by January 2023. We will also consider proportionality in the application of the requirements of the Guidance, including the structure, size, complexity and risk profile of the credit union, and the potential consequences of the credit union’s failure. Upon implementation of the guidance, FSRA intended to conduct an annual reviews of credit union recovery plans. Once credible recovery plans are in place, the frequency may be adjusted to biennial. |
3 | Libro Credit Union Stephan Bolton |
There was appreciation expressed for the principles-based format of the guidance. It was emphasized that open dialogue around incremental improvements to the plan will be critical to its success. The submission asked for clarity and suggested enhancements in the following areas:
FSRA has committed to adopting a principles-based supervisory approach, under which it is the responsibility of the regulated institution to ensure that it achieves the desired outcomes in an effective manner that is most appropriate for the institution. FSRA’s Recovery Planning Guidance and supervision will reflect this principles-based approach. Institutions should reach out to their Relationship Managers with any questions on recovery planning. Relationship Managers will work with credit unions during a transition period in order to promote understanding of the guidance and ensure the development of credible recovery plans. In addition, FSRA’s Risk-Based Supervisory Framework (currently under development) will lead to accurate and consistent assessments of CU significant activities and risk profiles which can provide opportunities for alignment with CUs’ descriptions in the recovery plans. The Institutional Analysis section of the Guidance notes that a recovery plan should incorporate, by reference, existing materials that exist for other management purposes. The recovery plan is also a good opportunity to provide FSRA with a description of and rationale for the credit union’s organizational structure and business activities. The Guidance is not intended to be prescriptive as to triggers and related remedial actions. Rather, individual credit unions would identify such triggers and remedial actions in their recovery plans, which should be tailored to the structure, size, complexity, and risk profile of the individual institution. The Guidance emphasizes that recovery plans should describe the processes to follow upon the breach of a trigger and activation of the recovery plan, including potential escalation to senior management and/ or the credit union’s board. For stress testing scenarios, each credit union should be implementing a Board approved stress testing framework, which feeds into and informs recovery planning. FSRA will apply proportionality when it comes to stress testing requirements. Regarding implementation, FSRA will include a transition period after the guidance becomes effective. FSRA will require that credit unions submit credible recovery plans by January 13, 2023. However, in order to provide credit unions with an opportunity to receive feedback before this deadline, FSRA will request that credit unions provide an interim submission detailing the key components of their recovery plans by January 14, 2022. The submission should include the following:
FSRA will work with credit unions to ensure they submit credible recovery plans by January 2023. We will also consider proportionality in the application of the requirements of the guidance, including the structure, size, complexity and risk profile of the credit union, and the potential consequences of the credit union’s failure. |
4 | Alterna Savings Jose Gallant |
The submission supported FSRA’s effort to enhance crisis preparedness and resiliency of the Ontario credit union system, but wanted to ensure the benefits justify the resources that must be dedicated to developing and maintain recovery plans. It emphasized the importance of the proportionality and timing of implementation. The submission also raised the following:
FSRA has committed to adopting a principles-based supervisory approach, under which it is the responsibility of the regulated institution to ensure that it achieves the desired outcomes in an effective manner that is most appropriate for the institution. FSRA’s Recovery Planning Guidance and supervision will reflect this principles-based approach. Institutions should reach out to their Relationship Managers with any questions on recovery planning. Relationship Managers will work with credit unions during a transition period in order to promote understanding of the guidance and ensure the development of credible recovery plans. The Resilience Assessment component within FSRA’s Risk-Based Supervisory Framework (currently under development) would assess non-financial resilience factors that are governance and operational-based and would focus on crisis preparedness. The ability to adapt, take timely action to respond to adverse conditions is important to all CUs in the sector. Regarding implementation, FSRA will include a transition period after the guidance becomes effective. FSRA will require that credit unions submit credible recovery plans by January 13, 2023. However, in order to provide credit unions with an opportunity to receive feedback before this deadline, FSRA will request that credit unions provide an interim submission detailing the key components of their recovery plans by January 14, 2022. The submission should include the following:
FSRA will work with credit unions to ensure they submit credible recovery plans by January 2023. We will also consider proportionality in the application of the requirements of the guidance, including the structure, size, complexity and risk profile of the credit union, and the potential consequences of the credit union’s failure. Finally, the Interpretation section of the Guidance sets out FSRA’s interpretation of legally binding requirements under the CUCPA and does not set new requirements . In the past, Ontario credit unions have shown resilience when faced with adversity due to implementation of effective recovery actions. A recovery plan formalizes these actions and ensures that the credit union sector has a credible recovery framework. |