Annual Information Return (AIR) overview
- Purpose: The AIR collects information from licensed health service providers (HSPs) to help FSRA conduct market analysis, risk assessment and oversight of the sector. The AIR is required every year. For reference, licenced health service providers (HSPs) treat car accident injuries and are paid directly by insurance companies for such treatment. Providers include health and rehab clinics, as well as assessment and examination services.
- Who completes the AIR: The principal representative must file, even if the service provider did not conduct business during the reporting period.
- Deadline: March 31st of every year to file the AIR and pay the annual regulatory fee. The fee covers the annual cost of regulating the service provider sector. It is paid in advance for the following fiscal year.
- Consequences of non-compliance: Failure to submit the AIR and pay the fee by the deadline may result in penalties and/or regulatory actions.
Required information
- you will need to submit the following information in your AIR:
- general information regarding the principal representative
- general information regarding the service provider/business
- membership information
- general business information
- business systems and practices
- billing information and practices
- suitability
- If two service providers have merged, you must report the business activities of the new entity as the combined business activities.
How to complete the AIR
Before submitting the AIR, principal representatives must provide their latest contact information to FSRA.
To update your phone number:
- log in to your FSRA Account
- on the Dashboard, under FSRA profile, click on Change Phone Number
- provide the new phone number and select “save”
To update your email:
- log in to your FSRA Account
- on the Dashboard, under FSRA profile, click on Change Email Address
- provide the new email address and select “Change Email”
- your email will be updated immediately and confirmation sent to your new email address
To update your Ontario mailing address:
- log in to your FSRA Account
- select “I want to Request a Change”
- select “Change Business Address” from the drop-down menu and follow the prompts.
- If you are only changing the mailing address, select “No” when asked if this is a change to the business address.
If you encounter problems updating your information you can reach out to FSRA’s Contact Centre at [email protected].
Online submission: The AIR must be submitted through your FSRA account. Filing and paying the fee is required by law. Once submitted, you cannot change any information in your AIR.
Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (SABS)
- You do not need to include SABS claimants if you have not received payment from an auto insurer.
- The total number of claimants should represent the total number of persons for which payment has been received for one or more listed expenses (calculated per accident) during the prior calendar year.
- A unique SABS claimant who has been involved in two separate auto collisions must be counted as two unique SABS claimants.
Helpful resources for AIR Filing
Before filing the AIR, principal representatives should review the sample AIR questionnaire.
What you should know before filing the AIR
- Suspended licence: Even if a licence is suspended, the AIR must be filed by the March 31st deadline.
- Surrendered licence: If the licence was surrendered, you don’t need to file an AIR. If you surrender your licence before March 31st, your advance annual regulatory fee for the period up until March 31st will not be refunded.
- Licence changes: You do not need to report changes in your licence details. But you must update the information in your FSRA account before filing. Please note you can’t file the AIR until FSRA approves all requests to update your information.
Annual regulatory fee
- Payment deadline: March 31st of every year for service providers licensed on December 31st of the previous calendar year.
- Fee calculation formula:
A + B
“A” = $128 x the "Number of locations”
“B” = $15 x the “Number of SABS claimants”
The number of locations refers to the maximum number of physical locations where you conducted business and which generated listed expenses in the previous calendar year. If you were not licensed until the current calendar year, use the number of physical locations for which you were licenced. - Paying fees under $5,000: pay online by Visa, MasterCard or debit card.
- Paying fees over $5,000: mail a certified cheque or money order (with payment remittance attached) payable to “FSRA” or to the “Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario” to the following address:
Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario
25 Sheppard Avenue West, Suite 100
Toronto, ON M2N 6S6
Technical support
- Forgot my FSRA account username or password: select “I forgot my Username/Password” and follow the instructions.
- Withdrawing an incomplete AIR: click “Quit” at the bottom of the page and selecting “Withdraw Application.”
- Compatible browsers: Microsoft Edge (preferred) and Google Chrome. Please note that Chrome may provide uneven performance when accessing the HSP portal. Chrome users on PC may also experience interruptions in the portal if there is no activity in the system for a long time. Please be advised that the portal does not support mobile devices or tablets.
- Finish the AIR later: to stop doing your AIR and return to it later, click “save as draft” at the bottom of the page, then select “Quit” and “Yes. Quit.” This saves your application for 90 days. Your AIR also saves automatically if your computer freezes or crashes.