Credit Unions

1. What is Credit Union Prudential Assessment?

Credit Union Prudential Assessment is the fee that a credit union pays that is attributed towards the cost of regulating the credit union industry. It uses the credit union’s proportional amount of total sector risk-weighted assets as the basis for the assessment calculation.

2. Are all credit unions charged the same amount?

FSRA will use a risk-weighted assets methodology as the basis for calculating prudential assessments. The amount that each credit union will be charged varies by credit union and will represent their portion of the total sector’s risk weighted assets.

3. How are assessments calculated for the credit union sector?

FSRA assessment calculations are based on the calculations shown in the Assessments and Fees Rule. To see the calculation for your specific industry, please refer to the following subsections: Credit Union Sector: Subsection 3.1.

The FSRA assessment is calculated by sector using the following formula:

Credit Union’s risk weighted assets ÷ Total risk weighted assets for the sector


Budgeted expenditures net of fees


4. Where does the information on my company’s risk weighted assets come from?

The data collected is based on annual information returns (AIR) filed by credit unions to FSRA with fiscal year end December 31, 2023 or monthly information return (MIR) for those credit unions without a December fiscal year end. 

5. How do I update my contact information?

Please log into the FSRA secure website and update contact information directly.

6. How do I read my FSRA assessment invoice?

Sample Invoice