
Maintaining benefits levels for auto accident victims

Ontario’s financial services regulator (FSRA) is releasing the 2025 indexation amounts for auto insurance injury claims.

The amounts being paid to auto accident victims for things like income replacement, hiring caregivers and rehabilitation are being increased by 1.6 per cent.

These amounts are updated every year to ensure consumer benefit payments keep pace with inflation.

The indexation rate is calculated using data from Statistic Canada’s Consumer Price Index (CPI) for Canada. The CPI represents changes in prices as experienced by Canadian consumers.

The 2025 indexation rate applies to monetary and deductible amounts related to specific court awards for claimants. It also applies to certain benefits listed under the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule.

Under the Insurance Act, FSRA must publish the indexation percentage and certain amounts every year for purposes of the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule and tort claims.

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FSRA continues to work on behalf of all stakeholders, including consumers, to ensure financial safety, fairness, and choice for everyone.

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