Ministry of Finance consultation: Pension Benefits Guarantee Fund (PBGF) Exposure
The Ministry of Finance is consulting on proposed amendments to Regulation 909 to collect additional data from pension plans on the PBGF’s potential claims exposure. These changes would allow FSRA to estimate the extent to which Ontario plan beneficiaries are protected by the PBGF.
The consultation closes on May 31, 2021. If you would like more information or to provide your feedback, visit the government’s consultation page.
Ministry of Finance consultation: Spent Regulations
The government is consulting on proposed amendments to various regulations made under the Pension Benefits Act to revoke provisions which provided temporary solvency funding relief and are no longer of use.
The consultation closes on May 31, 2021. If you would like more information or to provide your feedback, visit the government’s consultation page.
Ministry of Finance Consultation: Individual pension plans and designated plans
The Ministry of Finance is consulting on proposed changes to the Pensions Benefit Act (PBA) which, if passed, would reduce red tape in the pension regulatory framework. If passed, proposed changes would allow certain individual pension plans (IPPs) and designated plans (DPs) to elect to be exempt from the PBA.
The consultation closes on January 23, 2020. If you would like more information or to provide your feedback, please visit the government’s consultation page: Consultation: Individual pension plans and designated plans.
Consultations and proposed legislation
On August 6, 2019, the Ontario government released a consultation document that provides details of proposed amendments to the Pension Benefits Act to help facilitate further electronic communication between administrators and members. Comments may be submitted to the Ministry of Finance by August 27, 2019.