Requirements for level 2 mortgage agents

Every year by March 31

Every year you must renew your licence with FSRA to continue dealing in mortgages in Ontario.

Renewals open on February 1. Check application processing timelines on our website.

Renewal fee: $883

Your principal broker will submit the fee to FSRA. Be sure to discuss the payment details with your principal broker.

Every 2 years by March 31

(in even years e.g., 2026, 2028, 2030, etc.)

In addition to renewing your licence, you must also complete continuing education (CE) requirements every two years and submit confirmation of having completed the courses.

For 2025, you do not need to complete CE when you apply to renew your licence by March 31, 2025.

For 2026, you will need to complete new continuing education (CE) requirements to renew your licence. The requirements consist of two components.

Consequences of not renewing on time

If you do not renew, your licence will expire, and you will not be allowed to deal in mortgages. If your licence has expired, see instructions on how to reinstate it. Please note that FSRA will not accept reinstatement applications between March 3 and March 31, 2025.

Icon How to renew your licence

Contact your principal broker to start your application. Once your principal broker starts your application, you are responsible for:

  • Completing the application in Licensing Link.
  • Ensuring your principal broker reviews and submits your application to FSRA before the deadline.

You can only renew your current licence

  • If you were a mortgage agent level 2 and were transitioned to agent level 1 on March 31, 2024, you cannot renew as a level 2. Once your current licence is renewed, contact your brokerage about upgrading your licence, if eligible.

If you do not plan to renew, tell your principal broker.

Icon What you should know before renewing

Required disclosures

  • You must disclose any charge(s) and/or conviction(s) that occurred before you became licenced, or which are still in process. Be sure to disclose all relevant information based on the requirements of each application question.  
  • If on your first licence application you disclosed being charged or convicted of an offence, you can indicate this disclosure on your renewal application. Select this option only if there have been no changes since the last disclosure.

Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check (CRJMC) process 

  • If you have disclosed information about a criminal matter, or FSRA has received information that you may be involved in a criminal matter, you may be required to complete a CRJMC after you have submitted your application. 
  • If required, FSRA will notify you to complete a CRJMC through our approved vendor, Triton Canada (Triton).
  • Once completed, you will need to provide the 8-digit CRJMC confirmation number found in your Triton invoice to FSRA. A fee of $19.15 applies for Triton’s service, and the CRJMC is valid for 90 days.
  • See Frequently asked questions - Criminal record and judicial matters check (CRJMC) process for more information or contact us.

Errors and Omissions insurance

  • Mortgage agents don’t need personal errors & omissions insurance policies. The brokerage's policy must cover its agents.

Expired or suspended licences 

  • If your licence expired less than two years ago (March 31, 2023), you can apply to have it reinstated as an agent level 1. Please note that FSRA will not accept reinstatement applications between March 3 and March 31, 2025. 
  • If your licence expired more than two years ago (before March 31, 2023), you must apply for a new agent level 1 licence.
  • For the two scenarios above, your licence will be reinstated with an expiry date of March 31, 2025. You will then need to submit a renewal application to get your licence for after March 31. In addition, the licensing fee is pro-rated between the reinstatement date and March 31. 
  • If your expired licence is pending renewal and you submitted your application by March 31, 2025, you may conduct business until FSRA processes your renewal.
  • If your brokerage’s licence has been suspended, you can transfer to another licensed brokerage. The new brokerage must complete and submit your transfer application before renewing your licence. Your licence suspension will be gone when your new brokerage authorizes you.

If you are surrendering your licence  

Icon Continuing Education requirements (CE)

To renew your licence, you must complete the CE requirements every two years, required only for renewals in even years—2026, 2028, 2030, etc.

There are two components to CE:

1. Conduct CE

  • 5 hours covering ethics, fraud, suitability, and cybersecurity.
  • Additional information and a list of FSRA-accredited course providers will be announced spring 2025.
  • If you have completed the Conduct CE course, the course provider will inform FSRA directly. You do not need to report course completion to FSRA.

2. Technical Knowledge / Professional Development CE (Professional CE)

  • 10 hours related to the technical aspects of mortgage brokering.
  • Only courses taken or completed during the CE cycle will be credited toward the CE requirement.
  • CE hours exceeding the minimum requirements within any CE cycle cannot be carried over to subsequent cycles.

Qualifying Professional CE course hours

You choose the courses, and they must meet FSRA's requirements. Courses may include seminars, webinars and industry conferences. Courses must be related to the technical aspects of mortgage brokering to qualify as Professional CE hours. These are some examples of what qualifies as CE and what does not:

Courses that qualify

  • Legal, legislative, and regulatory matters
  • Fundamentals or principles of mortgage brokering
  • Ethics and professional responsibility
  • Mortgage fraud
  • Client needs analysis
  • Proper use of mortgage products
  • Managing brokerage operations
  • Accounting and financial considerations related to mortgage brokering
  • Cybersecurity
  • Risk management principles
  • FSRA’s webinars or FSRA-hosted events on regulatory updates and guidelines in the mortgage brokering sector

Courses that do not qualify

  • Sales techniques, including motivation, marketing and promotion, consumer psychology or telephone best practices
  • Recruiting
  • Office skills, such as computer training
  • Management training
  • Company-specific product training
  • Volunteering
  • Professional networking
  • Activities unrelated to mortgage brokering
  • Language courses

Reporting on Professional CE Courses Taken

Agents are responsible for keeping records to document that they have completed their Professional CE hours. Records must be kept for four years prior to the current licensing cycle. For example, once CE is completed for March 31st, 2026, it must be retained until March 31st, 2030.

  • FSRA may request evidence that courses have been completed.
  • Acceptable evidence includes certificates or similar documents verifying attendance or successful completion. In some cases, FSRA may contact course providers directly to verify the documentation provided.

To confirm completion of Professional CE hours, you will need to provide the following details when renewing:

  • Course name
  • Course provider
  • CE hours completed
  • Date of completion

CE hours cannot be claimed for:

  • A course where course details cannot be supplied
  • A course the agent/broker registered for but did not attend
  • Hours spent as an instructor or teaching a course
  • Repeating a course, unless new content is demonstrated
  • Courses that an agent/broker fails

Icon Technical support

If you forgot your PIN, secret question or answer, log into Licensing Link and follow these instructions:

  • Select your name from the search results 
  • Click “update contact information (email, address, telephone)” 
  • Read the instructions and select “I agree” 
  • Click “Reset Your PIN” 
  • Provide the updated information and click “Confirmed” 
  • You will be asked to reset your secret question and answer; a new PIN will then be emailed to you.  

If you did not receive a renewal reminder 

  • log into Licensing Link to verify that the correct e-mail address is on file. Update the email if it’s incorrect. 

Send us a screenshot of the error  

  • If you encounter difficulties, email us at [email protected] and include a screenshot of the error. For general questions, call us at 416-250-7250 or 1-800-668-0128, or email [email protected]