On December 10, 2024, FSRA hosted a webinar for Ontario-incorporated insurance companies and reciprocal insurance exchanges (“Insurers”) on its proposed guidance on Own Risk and Solvency Assessment (ORSA).

Thank you to the 137 people who attended the event.

An effective ORSA protects the rights and interests of consumers as Insurers that effectively manage their risks and maintain adequate capital above regulatory capital levels under a range of plausible adverse scenarios are better able to maintain stability, long-term viability and meet their policyholders’, members’ and subscribers’ obligations.

Webinar takeaways included:

  • an understanding of FSRA’s approach to reviewing an Insurer’s ORSA
  • an understanding of the principles guiding an Insurers’ ORSA and the intended outcomes of an effective ORSA
  • an opportunity to ask questions directly to FSRA staff

ORSA Webinar Deck
Date: December 10, 2024
Q&A (all questions answered in the webinar)

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