Advisory groups and committees provide advice, input and feedback to FSRA management on matters related to the Rules of Practice and Procedure, Filing Requirements, Guidelines, operational policies and other matters.
Stakeholder Advisory Committee
This Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC) advises the Board on FSRA’s priorities and budget, and other matters the Board deems appropriate, as they relate to the Pensions sector. It is an important part of FSRA’s stakeholder engagement process in the Pensions sector.
Standing Technical Advisory Committees
FSRA's four Pensions Technical Advisory Committees to meet with FSRA on a regular, ongoing basis and provide advice and feedback on key matters related to the pension sector.
Special Purpose Technical Advisory Committees
Special-purpose technical advisory groups and committees provide advice, input and feedback to FSRA management on matters related to the Rules of Practice and Procedure, Filing Requirements, Guidelines, operational policies and other matters.
Consumer Advisory Panel
FSRA’s Consumer Advisory Panel provides a consumer perspective to help inform FSRA’s work. Working closely with our Consumer Office and executive team, the Panel advises FSRA on proposed policy changes and related activities, including consumer-based research, policy support and consumer outreach. It helps to ensure that the perspectives of consumers (including pension beneficiaries, credit union members and the general public) inform our direction and decisions, a key priority for FSRA.
Visit the Panel’s webpage to find more information about its activities, membership and Terms of Reference.