Detailed information is available on the Annual Return and Instructions for Ontario Incorporated Insurer page of the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario website at

The Filing Information for Insurers Licensed in Ontario details the forms and reports required by Ontario. We request that the year end annual returns be delivered in an electronic copy format (pdf, excel, ASCII file) as applicable versus a paper format as part of our process improvement measures. Please note the insurer number on each document filed.

Please note that the deadline to file your annual return with the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA) is within 60 calendar days from 31st December. Deadline for reinsurers to file their annual returns is 108 calendar days from 31st December.

FSRA does not require any paper filings to be submitted. You are required to file your Life-1 or P&C-1 filing in ASCII format. Please upload your electronic documents through the Prudential Upload Portal within the timeframe specified above.

Please use the following link for instructions on how to upload files through the online portal:

How to Upload Prudential Files to FSRA

If the company intends to change its licence status (i.e. discontinuing, withdrawing or merging) the Licensing Approvals Unit should be contacted at [email protected], and if appropriate, adjustments will be made to the Annual Preliminary Assessment document.

If you have any issues or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at (416) 226-7959 or [email protected].