[2019-003] David Gordon - CAAT Pension Plan

FSRA Response:

FSRA thanks CAAT Plan for their submission.  We appreciate the supportive message and look forward to deploying the principles throughout our work.


[2019-003] Peter Waite - Pension Investment Association of Canada

FSRA Response:

FSRA thanks PIAC for their submission.  We appreciate the recognition of our priorities and consideration of how our approach is working in practice.

As a member of CAPSA, FSRA will continue to work towards achieving harmonization in pension legislation. 

On the issue of missing members, FSRA has created a Missing Member ad hoc technical advisory committee and is currently engaging with the committee to review all issues related to this topic.


[2019-003] Mariana MacIntosh - Ontario Teachers Pension Plan

FSRA Response:

FSRA thanks Ontario Teachers’ for their submission.  We appreciate the supportive message and recognition that our principles are aligned with our priorities.


[2019-003] Scott Murray 1

FSRA Response:

FSRA appreciates the input into our Guiding Principles. As a principles-based and outcomes-focused regulator, FSRA is focused on ensuring our approach is collaborative, facilitative, adaptable and reasonable.


[2019-003] Scott Murray 2

FSRA Response:

We appreciate the specific examples shared with us. FSRA will consider opportunities to demonstrate transparency in sharing electronic documents. We have also established an ad hoc advisory committee on the issue of asset transfer. That committee may point to changes in the guidance FSRA issues or potential legislative or regulatory changes for the Ministry of Finance to consider.


[2019-003] Marissa Lennox - Canadian Association for Retired Persons (CARP)
[2019-003] Michael Powell - Canadian Federation of Pensioners

FSRA Response:

FSRA thanks the Canadian Federation of Pensioners and Canadian Association for Retired Persons for their submissions and input into the Guiding principles.

While FSRA sought, and will continue, to include retirees’ perspectives in its ad hoc advisory committees and standing advisory committees, we recognize that there is an opportunity to establish a new Retiree Advisory Panel.  This group will provide a dedicated forum for retiree perspectives.  This feedback is consistent with similar input received through FSRA’s consultation on its Annual Business Plan.

FSRA also proposes to amend the Guiding Principles Approach to include its statutory objects related to pensions.  One of those objects is protect and safeguard the pension benefits and rights of pension plan beneficiaries, which includes retired members.

FSRA will share the comments around legislative and regulatory items with the Ministry of Finance.


Available in French upon request.