Form 7 - Summary of Contributions

Key Information

Please review the following instructions to download the forms

To be able to fill in and save a PDF form (Fillable/saveable version), download and then open the form using the free Adobe Reader.

  1. Hover over the form name with your mouse
  2. Right-click and select “Save link as” to save the form. This will allow you to save the form in a location of your choosing (file folder, etc.). Note: Do not use the browser’s “Open” feature.
  3. Once saved, go to the location where you saved the form.
  4. Hover over the form name with your mouse
  5. Right-click and select “open with…” and in the menu select “Adobe Acrobat Reader

Excel version: 

Form details

Form number: PF-138
Form title: Form 7 - Summary of Contributions
Sector: Pensions
Contribution Reporting
Purpose of form: The PBA requires each pension plan administrator to complete this Form setting out the estimated amounts of contributions that are required to be remitted to the pension fund for the upcoming plan year. This Form is to be filed with the pension fund trustee(s) and not with FSRA.
Instructions on how to use the form:

Instructions are included in the form. FSRA recommends that plan administrators contact their pension fund trustee for direction on which version of the Form (pdf fillable/saveable or excel) to be completed.

Last update: 2022-03-24