How to contact your plan administrator about a pension concern
If you have questions or concerns about your pension plan, you should first contact your plan administrator in writing. (Note: For most pension plans, your employer is your plan administrator.)
You should be able to find your plan administrator’s contact information on a pension plan brochure, employee booklet or annual statement.
Contact us by phone (Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.):
If you call us, have either of the following available:
The name or registration number of the pension plan
The name of your employer
You should contact your plan administrator in writing (by letter or e-mail) and ask for a written response. This is especially important if the concern will need to be reviewed by other parties (e.g., FSRA or the courts) in the future.
When you write to your plan administrator, you should include the following information:
The reason for your request and the action you’re looking for
Any relevant facts and documents that support the action that you want
A request for a written response
Your plan administrator should provide a response within 30 days of receiving your written request.
You should keep copies of all relevant documents about your concern until the issue has been resolved or concluded. These may include:
Correspondence, such as letters, e-mails, faxes or memos
Plan documents, such as employee booklets or employee communications
Records of phone conversations
If the issue gets escalated to us, we may ask for these records. They will help us determine if your plan administrator is complying with the Pension Benefits Act or the terms of your pension plan.
If you can’t resolve the pension concern with your plan administrator
If you can’t resolve this issue with your plan administrator or you aren’t satisfied with their response, you can file a complaint with us.