Consumer Advisory Panel members
Laura Tamblyn Watts, Chair
Harold Geller
Harvey Naglie
Julie Kuzmic
Kristina Booi
Krysta Nesbitt
Lucy Becker
Rhona DesRoches
Sharon Altman-Leamen
Zahir Dharsee
Anish Chopra
Kristian Bonn
FSRA staff
Glen Padassery, EVP, Policy & Chief Consumer Officer
Mark White, Chief Executive Officer
Stuart Wilkinson, Director, Auto and Property Casualty Policy and Consumer Office (CO)
Rhea Tubigan, Senior Advisor, Consumer Office (CO)
Fern Karsh, Senior Policy and Technical Lead, CO
Jisha Sarwar, Senior Policy and Technical Lead, CO
Francina Contreras Gómez, Policy Analyst Coop, CO
Thera Medcof, Senior Manager, Strategic Policy
Judy Pfeifer, Chief Public Affairs Officer
Sharon Laurie, Director, Communication Services
Dan Miles, Director, Corporate Communications
Erica Hiemstra, Head, Insurance Conduct
Stevie Madder, Technical Lead, Market Conduct
Swati Agrawal, Senior Manager, Market Conduct
Andrea Foy, Senior Manager, Financial Planners/Advisor
Joel Gorlick, Director, Policy – Market Conduct
David Bartucci, Head, Pensions
Tim Miflin, Senior Manager, Insurance Policy
Dan Padro, Director, Credit Union and Pensions
Wendy Horrobin, Head, Licensing and Risk Assessment
- The Panel and FSRA’s discussion focused on FSRA’s 2023 – 2024 Statement of Priorities.
- The Panel and FSRA discussed opportunities on the second FSRA Exchange Event, scheduled for January 2023.
- FSRA presented the outline and strategy for the five (5) 2022 – 2023 Consumer Education Campaigns scheduled for the next few months.
- The Panel and FSRA discussed the Financial Planner/Financial Advisor Title Protection Framework.
- The Panel provided an update on the Vulnerable Consumers Working Group.
- FSRA provided a brief update on the Consumer Advisory Panel 2023 – 2024 membership process.
Welcome and introductory
- FSRA welcomed all Panel members and provided an overview of the agenda.
- The Panel Chair acknowledged Hitesh Doshi’s resignation, thanking him for all his contributions and support during his CAP membership. All Panel members agreed.
2023 – 2024 Statement of priorities
- FSRA presented the 2023 – 2024 Statement of Priorities.
- FSRA highlighted that the Panel may send official feedback and recommendations on the 2023 – 2024 Statement of Priorities during the public consultation period.
- The Panel expressed that the duration of the public consultation period (30 days) is too short.
- The Panel also expressed that the language should be clear, in order for consumers to understand the process and what they are supposed to do.
- The Panel will prepare and submit a written consultation feedback on the Statement of Priorities report.
FSRA Exchange event update
- FSRA provided an update on the FSRA Exchange Event.
- FSRA opened the discussion with the Panel, regarding which protection issues should be discussed across all sectors in the Exchange Event.
- The Panel proposed that the consumers meet the Consumer Advisory Panel members at the FSRA Exchange Event or other occasion, for them to know that there is a Panel working for their wellbeing regarding financial services.
FP/FA consumer education campaign
- The Panel and FSRA discussed the Consumer Education Campaign strategy for the upcoming months. The five (5) campaigns are based in the priorities of the business annual plan: Deposit Insurance Reserve Fund, Financial Planners/Advisors, Mortgage Brokers/Private Lending, Pension Awareness Day, and P&C Insurance Fraud Prevention.
Health Service Provider compliance report
- FSRA presented the Market Conduct Compliance Annual Report (2021 – 2022) and the latest market trends.
Financial Planner and Financial Advisor
- FSRA presented and discussed with the Panel the Financial Planner/Financial Advisor Title Protection Framework. The discussion will continue at the next Consumer Advisory Panel meeting on November 17, 2022.
Vulnerable consumers working group update
- The Panel’s Vulnerable Consumers Working Group provided an update on its scope of engagement and progress.
- The working group highlighted key findings of the Consumer Research Study conducted early 2022.
Membership (2023/24) and chair appointment process
- FSRA provided an overview of the Consumer Advisory Panel membership 2023 – 2024.
- Recruitment for new membership will begin on October 14, 2022.
Next steps
- FSRA committed to following up with the Panel about next steps.
- The next Consumer Advisory Panel meeting is on November 17, 2022.