FSRA sets up Technical Advisory Committee to help improve auto insurance products
FSRA is establishing a new Technical Advisory Committee to help identify problems with auto insurance products and offer solutions for the benefit of consumers.
FSRA is seeking applicants with executive-level or extensive experience in the auto insurance field, including those:
- managing and responding to injury claims
- providing insurance advice to claimants
- providing health service or goods treating or assessing injured consumers
- being a legal representative for injured claimants
- designing or developing auto insurance products
- pricing and predicting claim costs
- sales or insurance advisors providing direct advice to consumers
The Committee will have 10 to 14 members and the application process is now open.
FSRA strongly encourages interested applicants to review the Terms of Reference (TOR) for a full description of the Advisory Committee’s mandate, scope, and expectations.
Submission Requirements:
FSRA will consider submissions that meet the following criteria:
- received on or before Friday, April 29, 2022
- includes the applicant’s current resume
- includes a cover letter describing:
- the applicant’s interest in the Advisory Committee and how they can contribute to its mandate, and its responsibilities to serve consumers
- how the applicant will be supported by their organization or profession in meeting the Advisory Committee mandate
- what applicant considers to be the top three concerns of consumer harm, or consumer benefits, and/or desired outcomes of the auto product for consumers
- the applicant’s skills and experience that align with the requested qualifications for members
If you would like to participate on the Advisory Committee, please make a submission on or before Friday, April 29, 2022 to Jamie Ramos at [email protected].
Learn more:
- Auto Insurance Product Technical Advisory Committee terms of reference
- Technical Advisory Committee for Auto Insurance Products (TAC)
FSRA continues to work on behalf of all stakeholders, including consumers, to ensure financial safety, fairness, and choice for everyone.
Learn more at www.fsrao.ca.
For media inquiries:
Russ Courtney
Senior Media Relations and Digital Officer
Financial Services Regulatory Authority
C: 437-225-8551
Email: [email protected]