FSRA requires honesty and integrity from life agent candidates and course providers
The Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA) requires all insurance agent candidates taking the Life Licence Qualification Program (LLQP) exam to act with honesty and integrity.
FSRA has been notified about candidates suspected of cheating on the LLQP exam. A candidate may be suspected of cheating if:
- They repeatedly look beyond the monitor, around the room or under their desk
- There are other people in their testing area (candidates requiring special assistance must let the exam proctor know in advance)
- They do not cease prohibited behaviour after they have been provided a warning by the proctor
We are investigating the issue and will take appropriate action. LLQP exam writers must follow virtual examination protocols, regardless of where they take the exam. FSRA does not grant a licence to anyone caught cheating on the LLQP.
FSRA also expects all insurers, managing general agencies and LLQP course providers to ensure integrity throughout the life agent certification process. All organizations providing space for those writing the LLQP modules must employ a proctor to monitor the candidate and report suspicious behaviour to FSRA immediately. FSRA authorizes all LLQP course providers. Those who are enabling unethical behavior during exams will lose their accreditation status with FSRA.
To protect consumers and maintain public confidence in the Insurance sector, FSRA requires all stakeholders to do their part.
Learn more:
FSRA is continuing to work with those we regulate to ensure financial safety, fairness and choice for consumers and members. Learn more at www.fsrao.ca