
FSRA executive named Chair of National Credit Union Association

The Executive Vice President, Credit Union and Insurance Prudential at the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA), Mehrdad Rastan, has been named Chair of the Credit Union Prudential Supervisors Association (CUPSA) for 2024-25. Rastan is transitioning to the role after previously serving as CUPSA vice-chair.

CUPSA is an interprovincial association composed of credit union deposit insurers and prudential supervisors across Canada. CUPSA’s mandate is to promote effective regulation and supervision of Canadian credit unions and caisses populaires.

“I look forward to leading this association over the coming year to continue building on our progress and maintaining a strong and sustainable credit union and caisse populaire sector,” said Rastan. “It’s a great forum for sharing ideas and best practices, facilitating effective communications among regulatory authorities and promoting learning and development opportunities.”

CUPSA helps to establish appropriate and effective regulatory principles, taking into consideration provincial, national and international best practices.

Rastan succeeds Brent Schellenberg, CEO of Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation of Saskatchewan.

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FSRA continues to work on behalf of all stakeholders, including consumers, to ensure financial safety, fairness, and choice for everyone.

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