
FSRA announces members of new advisory committee for insurance prudential regulation and supervision

The Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA) is excited to announce the members of its new Technical Advisory Committee for Insurance Prudential Regulation and Supervision.

The Advisory Committee will play an important role in enhancing FSRA’s regulatory efficiency and promoting a safe and sound provincially regulated insurance sector. Members will provide input on key initiatives such as new Guidance on the forthcoming Insurance Prudential Supervisory Framework.

FSRA thanks all who expressed interest in collaborating with us. Members were selected based on their professional experience, knowledge of relevant issues, representation across the sector, and diversity criteria. View Committee membership list.

The first meeting will take place later this fall. View Committee meeting materials to stay informed about what is discussed.

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FSRA is continuing to work with those we regulate to ensure financial safety, fairness and choice for consumers and members. Learn more
