Reporting and Accountability
FSRA is a board-governed regulatory agency accountable to the people of Ontario through the Ontario Ministry of Finance. We are committed to transparency in all aspects of governance, management, administration and operations.
Key accountability documents are listed. These are offered in compliance with the Agencies and Appointments Directive.
Statement of Priorities (SOP)
Organizational and sector-specific strategic priorities and financial plan, which form the core of FSRA’s business plans.
Expense Reporting
List of the travel, meal and hospitality expenses claimed by FSRA employees.
Business Plans
An overview of FSRA’s priorities, performance measures and targets, risk identification and mitigation strategies, plans for information technology and financial information.
Annual Reports &
Financial Statements
An overview of FSRA’s accomplishments, activities and general operational and financial information.
Burden Reduction
FSRA’s significant steps towards regulatory transformation that will reduce regulatory burden and protect the public interest.
Service Standards Scorecards
Reports that measure FSRA’s quarterly performance against effective service standards which are used to help improve public service.
Board Approved
A table that represents FSRA’s Board-approved budget for a fiscal year and a comparison to the previous fiscal year.
CEO Reports
List of FSRA’s CEO’s annual reports.
Archived information on the previous two regulators (Financial Services Commission of Ontario and The Deposit Insurance Corporation of Ontario) which transitioned to FSRA in June 2019.
Other resources
Open Data
As part of Ontario’s Open Government Initiative, which aims to create a more open and transparent government for the people of Ontario, FSRA lists data sets online through its open data catalogue.
Freedom of Information (FOI) Requests
Learn how to file a Freedom of Information request.