If you believe your auto insurance company has violated the Insurance Act and/or its regulations, please follow these steps before filing a complaint with FSRA:
File a complaint with your insurer and obtain a final position letter from them.
Step 1: Find your insurance company's complaint officer
Step 2: Request a final position letter on your case.
Step 3: If your insurer has not referred you to the General Insurance Ombudservice and you feel the insurance company or agent may have breached the Insurance Act, then send a complaint to FSRA. FSRA will consider your complaint if relevant documentation exists that supports your complaint.
FSRA considers a range of outcomes when reviewing consumer complaints:
- If the matter is not something we can take action on, we will let you know or may refer you to an organization that can help
- If we need more information from you, we will contact you
- If the matter you have raised does not break any laws we enforce, we will let you know
- If the matter you have raised potentially breaks any laws we enforce, we will consider what action, if any, we should take
To file a complaint with FSRA, please complete the Complaint Form.
External Dispute Resolution Organizations
Learn more about Ontario’s external dispute resolution organizations below:
General Insurance Ombudservice (GIO) – GIO is an independent dispute resolution service that provides free, fair, and impartial help for any Canadian home, automobile, and business insurance consumer whose company is a GIO member.
OmbudService for Life & Health Insurance (OLHI) – OLHI is an independent and impartial alternative dispute resolution public service for any Canadian life and health insurance consumer whose company is an OLHI member.