No. 2019-005
FSRA is committed to ensuring that consumer input and perspectives inform our regulatory direction and decisions. We are creating a new Consumer Advisory Panel to advise FSRA (through the Consumer Office), and provide ongoing advice from a consumer perspective, on proposed FSRA policy changes. The Panel will play an important role in fulfilling this commitment and delivering on FSRA’s mandate to protect the public interest in financial services in Ontario.
Provide Your Feedback
The financial services sector is undergoing significant change and this heightens the need for regulators to understand and protect the public interest. Consumer expectations for choice and services are high, driving new technologies, business models, products and services.
FSRA is committed to ensuring that consumer input and perspectives inform our regulatory direction and decisions. The new Consumer Advisory Panel will play an important role in fulfilling this commitment and delivering on FSRA’s mandate under the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario Act, 2016, to protect the public interest in financial services in Ontario.
The Panel will advise FSRA’s Executive Vice President, Policy and Chief Consumer Officer and inform FSRA’s strategic approach and related activities, including consumer-based research, policy support and consumer outreach. It will help FSRA protect the rights and interests of consumers, and safeguard public confidence and trust in Ontario’s financial institutions.
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