Freedom of Information requests at FSRA
Before you submit a Freedom of Information Request (FOI) to the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA), please check FSRA’s website. The information you need may already be available. Also, ensure FSRA is the right institution for your request.
Access to information and correction of information
FSRA is governed by the Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA), which grants the public a right to access records under FSRA’s control while protecting personal privacy.
Through FIPPA, you can:
- request access to general records or personal information.
- request corrections to your personal information held by FSRA.
However, some records may not be disclosed due to certain exemptions. FIPPA includes exemptions for certain types of information (e.g., personal information, third-party, or law enforcement records). If your request is denied, you can appeal to the Information Privacy Commissioner of Ontario.
How to submit an FOI request
FOI requests must be made in writing. When making a submission, be as specific as possible about the information you need, including relevant dates or timeframes.
You can submit your request through:
- Mail: Send the completed request form and $5.00 application fee to:
Freedom of Information Lead
Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario
25 Sheppard Avenue West, Suite 100
Toronto, ON M2N 6S6
For mailed submissions, the $5.00 application fee can be paid via cheque or money order, made payable to the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario.
If you are requesting access to your own personal information, we will need to verify your identity before releasing the information. FSRA’s FOI office will contact you and advise on the appropriate proof of identity required. Please do not include proof of your identity with your application by mail or email.
A duly signed and dated authorization/consent document would be required where a request for personal information is being made by a representative.
- Application Fee: $5.00 per request.
- Payment Methods: Credit card for online submissions, or cheque/money order for mailed requests.
- Additional costs: Section 57 (1) FIPPA and section 6 of Regulation 460 under FIPPA allows an institution to charge the fees detailed below in addition to the $5.00 application fee. Where your request requires additional fees, FSRA’s FOI Office will advise you.
- Manual search time = $7.50 for each 15 minute/person ($30/hour)
- Preparing a record for disclosure = $7.50 for each 15 minute/person ($30/hour)
- Photocopies and computer printout = $0.20/page
- CD-ROMs = $10 each
- Developing a computer program or other method of producing a record from machine readable record = $15 for each 15 minute/person
- Shipping = At cost
- Other (i.e., scanning) = At cost
For requests involving fees over $100.00, a 50% deposit is required before the request can be processed. Fee waivers are available in certain cases, based on fairness and equity.
Processing Timeline
Requests are processed within 30 days, provided all details and the $5.00 application fee are submitted. Extensions may apply.
More time may be needed if your request:
- Involves a large number of records.
- Impacts third parties or other agencies.
FSRA will inform you if more time is required.
Requests cannot be expedited, but to avoid delays, ensure your request includes all necessary details and the correct fee.
How to Appeal a Decision
If you disagree with FSRA's decision, you may appeal the decision to the Information Privacy Commissioner of Ontario within 30 days of the decision. Appeals require a fee: $25.00 for general records or $10.00 for personal information. Appeals can be filed online with the Information Privacy Commissioner of Ontario or by mail to:
Information Privacy Commissioner of Ontario
1400 - 2 Bloor Street East
Toronto, ON M4W 1A8
Phone: (416) 326-3333 or (800) 387-0073
When appealing a decision, please provide the Information Privacy Commissioner of Ontario’s office with:
- the request number assigned to the request;
- a copy of the decision letter; and
- a copy of the original request you sent to FSRA.
Contact Us
For questions or more information about submitting an FOI request, contact FSRA’s Freedom of Information Office at [email protected].
Note: FSRA does not handle requests for certain records such as police reports, birth certificates, or landlord-tenant disputes. Please contact the relevant authority for these types of requests.