MBRCC-FSRA Accreditation Application Checklist

Key Information

Please review the following instructions to download the forms

To be able to fill in and save a PDF form (Fillable/saveable version), download and then open the form using the free Adobe Reader.

  1. Hover over the form name with your mouse
  2. Right-click and select “Save link as” to save the form. This will allow you to save the form in a location of your choosing (file folder, etc.). Note: Do not use the browser’s “Open” feature.
  3. Once saved, go to the location where you saved the form.
  4. Hover over the form name with your mouse
  5. Right-click and select “open with…” and in the menu select “Adobe Acrobat Reader

Form details

Form number: MF-012
Form title: MBRCC-FSRA Accreditation Application Checklist
Sector: Mortgage
Licensing - Mortgage
Purpose of form: Education Providers will use the checklist to assess and document, as required, their compliance with the licensing education accreditation standards. The completed checklist is a key component of a provider’s application for accreditation of a course by FSRA.
Last update: 2022-01-01