FSRA holds webinar on detecting and preventing mortgage fraud
What: Webinar
When: Thursday, March 21, 2024
Time: 11-11:45 a.m. ET
Where: Online
Mortgage professionals are encouraged to attend FSRA’s webinar on detecting and preventing mortgage fraud. This event is taking place during Fraud Prevention Month.
FSRA recently released final guidance to better protect consumers and build public confidence in the mortgage brokering sector. The guidance captures key obligations and standards of practice under the Mortgage Brokerages, Lenders and Administrators Act, 2006 (“MBLAA”) and its regulations, as well as common industry practices, aimed at combating mortgage fraud.
Leading the webinar will be Nadiatou Fagbemi, Senior Manager, Mortgage Broker Conduct. Your takeaways will be to:
- understand why FSRA developed the Guidance and how it aligns with our principles-based regulatory approach
- learn about sector requirements to conduct business in a manner that does not facilitate dishonesty, fraud or any other illegal conduct
- obtain further understanding of FSRA’s current enforcement actions related to mortgage fraud
- ask FSRA staff direct questions
This webinar will be recorded and posted to FSRA’s website.