Thank you for providing your feedback on FSRA’s proposed Guidance on Pension Plan Amendments.
We appreciate the comments and questions received to date. Your feedback will help to inform our final guidance.
The request for submissions is now closed.
To help ensure pension plan administrators are following the provisions of the Pension Benefits Act, FSRA is releasing its proposed Plan Amendments Guidance for consultation.
This Guidance informs plan administrators of the requirements of the Pension Benefits Act applicable to:
- the effective date of amendments
- restrictions on replacing a variable indexation formula with a fixed indexation rate for benefits already earned
- notice requirements and notice waivers for adverse amendments
FSRA invites stakeholders and the public to submit feedback until September 15, 2022.
The public consultation period is open from August 15, 2022 to September 15, 2022.
Review the proposed Guidance and provide your comments by selecting submit a comment or ask a question.
Useful link:
Before we begin, please make sure you do not include any personal or private financial information. If your inquiry does require this information be shared with us, please call us at 1-800-668-0128 or email us at [email protected] for instructions.
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