Proposed Guidance on New Mortgage Agent and Broker Licensing Requirements
Comments were provided by 17 stakeholders:
- Marcus Rener Beltran - Mortgage Architects Experts
- Scott Coates - KingSett Mortgage Corporation
- Teresa Di Franco - Mortgage Architects Experts
- Sean Donohue - The Mortgage Professionals
- Samantha Gale - Canadian Association of Private Lenders (CAPL)
- Carla Gervais - The Mortgage Advisors
- Angela Jenkins - Select Mortgage Corporation
- Razi Khan - Pegasus Mortgage Lending
- David Mandel - First Source Mortgage Corporation
- Adrian Markiewicz - Morcan Financial
- Aman Marok
- Mortgage and Title Insurance Industry Association of Canada (MTIIAC)
- Mortgage Professionals Canada (MPC)
- Scarlett
- Kuldip Sharma - Expert Financial Corp
- Julie Sheremeto - The Mortgage Advisors
- Frank Van Bodegom – Verico The Mortgage Station
Below is a summary of the comments received and FSRA’s responses.
Table 1: Stakeholder comments and FSRA’s responses
Subject | Summarized Stakeholder Comments | FSRA Response |
Support for the proposed new licensing requirements |
We thank the stakeholders for their support. |
Effectiveness of new licensing classes in addressing private lending risks |
Stakeholder feedback received during the 2019 Mortgage Brokerages, Lenders and Administrators Act, 2006 (“MBLAA”) Review process indicated that licensees working with private mortgage lenders and raising capital require a specific set of competencies, which should be reflected in the licensing and education requirements.
The licensing classes include enhanced requirements that address the need for level 2 mortgage agents and brokers to have additional education, knowledge and experience regarding private mortgages. This will help ensure licensees have the appropriate expertise to recommend products that meet consumers’ needs, and that reasonable steps are taken to properly understand, assess and inform consumers of any potential risks associated with private mortgages or mortgage investments.
The new requirements support the following outcomes:
Licensing classes |
Under the new licensing classes mortgage brokers must complete the new education requirement, allowing them to service all the needs of a client (e.g., mortgage from a financial institution, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (“CMHC”) approved lender under the National Housing Act (“NHA”) or private lender).
Page 5 and Appendix 1 of the guidance describe how level 2 mortgage agents and brokers can engage level 1 mortgage agents in private mortgage transactions for training purposes. The mortgage agent level 2 and/or the mortgage broker are accountable to clients for these transactions.
FSRA expects brokerages and their principal brokers to put in place processes and controls to ensure their brokers and agents are acting within the scope of activities allowed by their licence. FSRA will, through supervision, assess the effectiveness of those processes and controls. |
Types of lenders by licensing class |
Mortgage agent level 1 licence authorizes licensees to deal and trade in mortgages exclusively with lenders that are:
This approach to categorization of lenders is transparent and efficient. Lists of financial institutions and NHA-approved lenders are publicly available. Entities must meet strict criteria defined under federal statute to qualify as a financial institution or NHA-approved lender. These criteria include strong underwriting guidelines.
The underwriting guidelines of mortgage investment entities (MIEs) that include Mortgage Investment Corporations (MICs) vary and are not readily obvious. Private mortgages should be transacted by licensees with appropriate competencies given that these types of mortgages may not be underwritten in the same way as those offered by financial institutions and NHA lenders and may have terms and conditions that pose unfamiliar risks to consumers.
The guidance has been amended to provide a description of the mortgage agent level 1 licence that aligns with the description provided in section 5.01(3)(1) of the draft proposed amendments to Ontario Regulation 409/07. |
Private Mortgages Course |
The government directed FSRA to raise and streamline educational and professional standards for agents and brokers, consistent with Recommendation #5 of the MBLAA Review Report.
FSRA is taking a strategic, holistic approach in achieving this goal, which includes achieving the objectives for the new licensing classes – that the classes reflect unique practices of different segments of the mortgage market, while minimizing regulatory burden for those dealing and trading in traditional mortgages. In balancing these goals and objectives, FSRA has and is taking the following steps:
The new Private Mortgages Course will align with the MBRCC Private Lending Competencies and Curriculum. The course outcome is to enhance licensees’ knowledge about the regulatory framework, transaction processes, and risks associated with private mortgages.
FSRA will take into account the feedback received as part of the consultation when approving the new Private Mortgages Course and reviewing the agent and broker curriculums. |
Challenge Exam |
Based on this feedback, FSRA has revised the deadline for eligible candidates to write the Challenge Exam to October 31, 2023, from March 31, 2024. The Challenge Exam may only be attempted once; individuals who do not pass the Challenge Exam must complete a Private Mortgages Course. |
Requests for grandparenting provisions |
In implementing the new licensing classes, FSRA is ensuring alignment with its statutory objects which include promoting high standards of business conduct and protecting the rights and interests of consumers. In so doing, FSRA wants to ensure that all licensees dealing in and trading in private mortgages meet the competency requirements.
In recognition that many industry participants have the competencies and experience in private mortgage transactions, individuals who have five or more years of continuous licensing experience have the option to write a FSRA-accredited Private Mortgages Course Challenge Exam rather than completing the Private Mortgages Course. |
Request for clarity on labour mobility |
The requirements for individuals licensed in a Canadian province or territory outside of Ontario applying for a licence in Ontario will be posted on the FSRA website in the near term. |
Concerns regarding the licensing exemptions for bank employees |
Recommendation #4 in the MBLAA Review Report recommended that current licensing exemptions under the MBLAA be maintained. The recommendation noted:
“[W]e received feedback, both positive and negative, regarding the licensing exemption for employees of financial institutions. Financial institutions that are exempt from licensing under the MBLAA are regulated under other statutes, both federal and provincial, with respect to their mortgage activity, as well as their overall operations as they relate to market conduct. Removing this exemption would create regulatory overlap and duplication that could increase costs and reduce choices for consumers, which would not be consistent with the objectives of this legislative review. However, the Ministry of Finance should engage in discussions with the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) to ensure that consumers are receiving consistent treatment whether they receive their mortgage from a provincially-regulated mortgage broker/agent or from a federally-regulated bank employee.”
Other comments outside of the scope of this initiative |
In April 2022, the Mortgage Broker Regulators’ Council of Canada (MBRCC) published draft cybersecurity preparedness guidance for public consultation. The guidance outlines principles intended to help mortgage brokers better protect their clients’ digital information. In conjunction with this release, FSRA consulted on guidance proposing to adopt the MBRCC cybersecurity preparedness guidance into its regulatory framework.
Transactions conducted by licensed agents and brokers offer protection to individual consumers. If FSRA suspects unlicensed activity, it has the power to:
FSRA does not have authority under the MBLAA to regulate the management of mortgages by MIC managers.
Where a MIC lends directly to borrowers, it must be licensed as a mortgage brokerage and be regulated by FSRA as such. Where a MIC lends or trades mortgages through a third-party, that third-party must be licensed as a brokerage with FSRA.
The distribution of MIC units/shares and related interaction with investors are under the Ontario Securities Commission’s jurisdiction. |