Pensions |
Active |
Filing - Pensions |
PE0134ORG |
Deadline for Early Filing of Actuarial Funding Valuation Reports |
Pensions |
Active |
Funding |
PE0136ORG |
Funding Requirements for Designated Plans in Ontario, O.Reg 73/95 Effective When Published |
Pensions |
Active |
Funding |
PE0137ORG |
Collection of Contributions and Delinquencies, PBA 1987 s. 23, 56-58, O. Reg. 708/87 s. 56 (formerly M900-100) Effective When Published |
Pensions |
Active |
Funding |
PE0138ORG |
No Provision to Amortize Negative Solvency Balance |
Pensions |
Active |
Filing - Pensions |
PE0139ORG |
Disclosure Expectations for Financial Statements Filed Pursuant to Regulation 909 s.76 |
Pensions |
Active |
Benefits |
PE0140ORG |
Benefit Accrual in Defined Benefit and Defined Contribution Plans |
Pensions |
Active |
Benefits |
PE0141ORG |
Benefit Accrual - Application to MEPPs |
Pensions |
Active |
Benefits |
PE0142ORG |
Benefit Accrual in a MEPP - Clarification |
Pensions |
Active |
Supervisory Approach |
PE0143ORG |
Court Proceedings - Involvement of FSCO/Superintendent of Financial Services |
Pensions |
Active |
Investments - Pensions |
PE0144ORG |
Prudent Investment Practices for Derivatives |
Pensions |
Active |
Investments - Pensions |
PE0146ORG |
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Factors |
Pensions |
Active |
Investments - Pensions |
PE0147ORG |
Overview of Statements of Investments Policies and Procedures (SIPP) Requirements |
Pensions |
Active |
Locked-in Accounts |
PE0148ORG |
Shortened Life Expectancy |
Pensions |
Active |
Locked-in Accounts |
PE0149ORG |
Locked-In Retirement Accounts (LIRAs) |
Pensions |
Active |
Locked-in Accounts |
PE0150ORG |
Schedule 1.1 Life Income Funds (New LIFs) |
Pensions |
Active |
Locked-in Accounts |
PE0151ORG |
Schedule 1 Life Income Funds (Old LIFs) |
Pensions |
Active |
Locked-in Accounts |
PE0153ORG |
Schedule 2 Locked-In Retirement Funds (LRIFs) |
Pensions |
Active |
Membership |
PE0154ORG |
Eligibility for Membership in a Pension Plan |
Pensions |
Active |
Membership |
PE0155ORG |
Class of Employees |
Pensions |
Active |
Membership |
PE0156ORG |
Separate Pension Plan for Part-Time Employees - Reasonably Equivalent Pension Benefits and Other Benefits |
Pensions |
Active |
Membership |
PE0157ORG |
Mandatory versus Optional Membership in a Pension Plan |
Pensions |
Active |
Plan Types |
PE0158ORG |
Approaches and Revenue Canada Considerations |
Pensions |
Active |
Plan Types |
PE0159ORG |
Pension Plans are Not Flexible Benefit Plans |
Pensions |
Active |
Refunds |
PE0160ORG |
Refund of Additional Voluntary Contributions to Active Members |
Pensions |
Active |
Registration |
PE0161ORG |
Registration of a Pension Plan and a Pension Plan Amendment |
Pensions |
Active |
Surplus |
PE0162ORG |
Partial Wind Up - Identification and Administration of Surplus |
Pensions |
Active |
Surplus |
PE0163ORG |
Application by Employer for Payment of Surplus on Wind Up of Pension Plan |
Pensions |
Active |
Surplus |
PE0164ORG |
Surplus Distribution by Written Agreement - The Role of Legal Counsel |
Pensions |
Active |
Surplus |
PE0165ORG |
Undistributed Surplus on Full or Partial Wind Up |
Pensions |
Active |
Surplus |
PE0166ORG |
Surplus Distribution in Cash in Continuing Plan |
Pensions |
Active |
Surplus |
PE0167ORG |
Allocation of Surplus to Members, Former Members and Other Persons on Wind Up - PBA s. 63(7) and 70(5) - Regulation 909 s. 8 |
Pensions |
Active |
Surplus |
PE0168ORG |
Distribution of Surplus to Employer on Partial Wind Up - PBA s. 70(5) - Regulation 909 s. 8(1)(b) and 8(2) |
Pensions |
Active |
Commuted Value |
PE0169ORG |
Timing of Termination Statement |
Pensions |
Active |
Commuted Value |
PE0170ORG |
No Obligation For Other Plans To Accept Transfer |
Pensions |
Active |
Commuted Value |
PE0171ORG |
No Transfers Outside Canada |
Pensions |
Active |
Commuted Value |
PE0172ORG |
Contractual Provision for Indexation |
Pensions |
Active |
Wind up |
PE0173ORG |
Filing Requirements and Procedure on Full or Partial Wind Up of a Pension Plan |
Pensions |
Active |
Wind up |
PE0174ORG |
Conditional Notice of Intended Wind Up Not Permitted |
Pensions |
Active |
Wind up |
PE0175ORG |
Treatment of Prior Year Credit Balance |
Pensions |
Active |
Wind up |
PE0178ORG |
Distribution of Benefits on Partial Wind Up Where Immediate or Deferred Pensions are Not Purchased |
Pensions |
Active |
Wind up |
PE0179ORG |
Payment of Benefits on Partial Wind Up |
Pensions |
Active |
Wind up |
PE0180ORG |
Natural Termination of a Pension Plan |
Pensions |
Active |
Wind up |
PE0181ORG |
Guideline for Notice of Full or Partial Wind Up of Pension Plan |
Pensions |
Active |
Wind up |
PE0182ORG |
Payment of Immediate Pensions & Other Benefits |
Pensions |
Active |
Wind up |
PE0183ORG |
Restrictions on Payments on wind up where there is a Deficit |
Pensions |
Active |
Miscellaneous |
PE0193ORG |
Pension Scams Cost You More than Retirement Savings |
Pensions |
Active |
Miscellaneous |
PE0194ORG |
Beware of Scams Involving Your Retirement Savings, Regulators Warn |
Pensions |
Active |
Annuities |
PE0195APP |
Approach to Requirements After Certain Annuity Purchases for Defined Benefit Plans |
Pensions |
Active |
Locked-in Accounts |
PE0196INF |
Life Income Fund (LIF) and Locked-In Retirement Income Fund (LRIF) Maximum Annual Income Payment Amount Table |
Pensions |
Active |
Commuted Value |
PE0198INF |
Discontinuance of the Bank of Canada Series V122515 and V122495 |
Pensions |
Active |
Supervisory Approach |
PE0199APP |
Supervisory Approach for Single Employer Defined Benefit Pension Plans that are Actively Monitored |
Pensions |
Active |
Commuted Value |
PE0202APP |
Limitations on Commuted Value Transfers and Annuity Purchases (DB Pension Plans) |
Pensions |
Active |
Administration - Pensions |
PE0203INF |
Missing Members Principles and Practices |
Pensions |
Active |
Administration - Pensions |
PE0204APP |
Waiver of Biennial Statements for Missing Former and Retired Members |
Pensions |
Active |
Asset Transfers |
PE0205APP |
Supervisory Approach to Defined Benefit Asset Transfers Under the Pension Benefits Act |
Pensions |
Active |
Spousal Rights |
PE0207ORG |
Marriage Breakdown and Pension Credits |
Pensions |
Active |
Spousal Rights |
PE0208ORG |
Additional Options to Spouse on Marriage Breakdown |
Pensions |
Active |
Spousal Rights |
PE0209ORG |
Options to Spouse on Marriage Breakdown |
Pensions |
Active |
Funding |
PE0212ORG |
Collection of Unremitted Contribution |
Pensions |
Active |
Funding |
PE0213ORG |
Contributory and Non-Contributory Pension Plans |
Pensions |
Active |
Funding |
PE0214ORG |
Employer Contributions Based on RRSP Contributions |
Pensions |
Active |
Funding |
PE0215ORG |
Failure to Remit Member Contributions |
Pensions |
Active |
Funding |
PE0216ORG |
Suspension of Employer Contributions in Defined Contribution Plans |
Pensions |
Active |
Interest |
PE0217ORG |
Average Fund Rate for Employee Contributions |
Pensions |
Active |
Interest |
PE0218ORG |
Crediting Interest on Employee Contributions |
Pensions |
Active |
Membership |
PE0219ORG |
No Transfer Rights on Suspension of Plan Membership |
Pensions |
Active |
Membership |
PE0220ORG |
Cessation of Member Contributions |
Pensions |
Active |
Membership |
PE0221ORG |
Amendment to Terminate Membership not Permitted |
Pensions |
Active |
Membership |
PE0222ORG |
Termination of Plan Membership Without Termination of Employment |
Pensions |
Active |
Asset Transfers |
PE0223INF |
FSRA’s Consent to SEPP to JSPP Transactions under sections 80.4 and 81.0.1 of the Pension Benefits Act |
Pensions |
Active |
Administration - Pensions |
PE0224INF |
Defined Benefit Multi-Employer Pension Plans – Leading Practices |
Pensions |
Active |
Family Law |
PE0225INT |
Administration of pension benefits upon marriage breakdown |
Pensions |
Active |
Commuted Value |
PE0226INF |
Bank of Canada Revisions: Effect on Commuted Value Calculations and Filings |
Pensions |
Active |
Funding |
PE0227ORG |
Requirement for Submission of Actuarial Reports and Cost Certificates |
Pensions |
Active |
Advisory Committees |
PE0228ORG |
Purpose of Plan Advisory Committees |
Pensions |
Active |
Annuities |
PE0229ORG |
Mortality Tables and Sex Discrimination |
Pensions |
Active |
Benefits |
PE0236ORG |
Garnishment of Pensions In Pay |
Pensions |
Active |
Benefits |
PE0238ORG |
More Advantageous Pension Benefits or Ancillary Benefits Permitted |
Pensions |
Active |
Benefits |
PE0239ORG |
Indexing |
Pensions |
Active |
Amendments |
PE0240ORG |
Defined Contribution to Defined Benefit |
Pensions |
Active |
Amendments |
PE0241ORG |
For Applications Received after March 26, 1992 |
Pensions |
Active |
Funding |
PE0242ORG |
Contribution Holidays for Plan Members; Employee - Contributions, Payroll Deductions |
Pensions |
Active |
Filing - Pensions |
PE0243ORG |
Filing Requirements and Procedure |
Pensions |
Active |
Administration - Pensions |
PE0244ORG |
Inquiries to FSCO by the Administrator |
Pensions |
Active |
Supervisory Approach |
PE0245ORG |
Process for Reviewing Defined Benefit Pension Plan Applications and Service Targets |
Pensions |
Active |
Retirement |
PE0246ORG |
Retirement Dates |
Pensions |
Active |
Commuted Value |
PE0247ORG |
Fully Insured Money Purchase Group Annuity |
Pensions |
Active |
Wind up |
PE0248ORG |
Credited Service for Employment Standards Act 2000 Notice Period |
Pensions |
Active |
Administration - Pensions |
PE0253ORG |
Requirement to Provide Information to Members |
Pensions |
Active |
Information and Statements |
PE0254ORG |
Member's Right to Information, Annual Statements, Termination Statements, Notices, PBA 1990, s. 25-30, 42, O. Reg. 909 s. 28, 39-46 Effective When Published |
Pensions |
Active |
Information and Statements |
PE0255ORG |
Members’ Annual Statements and Termination Statements |
Pensions |
Active |
Funding |
PE0256ORG |
Canadian Institute of Actuaries, Practice-Specific Standards for Pension Plans |
Pensions |
Active |
Filing - Pensions |
PE0257ORG |
Actuarial Filing for Plan Amendments |
Pensions |
Active |
Funding |
PE0258ORG |
Alternative Settlement Methods for Solvency Valuations |
Pensions |
Active |
Funding |
PE0259ORG |
Determination of the Solvency Liability Adjustment |
Pensions |
Active |
Benefits |
PE0260ORG |
Consent Benefits Where Amount of Benefit Not Determinable |
Pensions |
Active |
Benefits |
PE0261ORG |
Amendments for Benefit Improvements - Notice and Funding |
Pensions |
Active |
Benefits |
PE0262ORG |
Union Membership as Condition for Benefit Improvement |
Pensions |
Active |
Benefits |
PE0263ORG |
Settlement of Benefits |
Pensions |
Active |
Benefits |
PE0264ORG |
Past Benefits - Members Option |