
Updates to HST in Statutory Accident Benefit Claims

Toronto, September 20, 2019 - Effective June 3, 2019, the Ontario government updated Regulation O. Reg. 34/10: Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule to address the treatment of Harmonized Sales Tax in certain statutory accident benefits claims. The attached Cost of Assessment and Examination Guideline reflects this regulation change and is effective immediately.  

FSRA is in the process of reviewing FSCO guidance and processes and creating a FSRA guidance framework. This process is still underway. To provide regulatory continuity, FSRA has re-issued this guidance in FSCO format but will be consulting on it as part of the overall review of FSCO guidance.

Learn more at: Cost of Assessments and Examinations Guideline.

If you have any questions or need more information, contact us at [email protected].
